Chapter Five

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"I love your hair it's so pretty." Lady Strullix compliments Lord Vern loudly, even going so far as to reach forward and pet his shoulder length locks.

"Well, please excuse us we have some important matters to discuss." I announce and the servants nod before heading for the door, my guards escorting them out and then scoping the room to make sure none of them are still here. "Lord Grahl are there any cameras in here?" He blinks at me slowly as if confused to why I was speaking to him before slowly shaking his head.

"No, no cameras. I don't like people potentially seeing me compliment the bottles of Nyri, it helps with their flavour you see." I smother the smirk that wants to come out upon hearing his bizarre words.

"Well, all right then, I'll take that and Lady Strullix's blatant touching of Lord Vern's hair as a sign the drug I slipped into the Night Nyri has kicked in. I really do apologize for that Lord Grahl, it truly was a magnificent bottle of Nyri. Courtesy of this drug you will not clearly remember this conversation or a few hours before and after this conversation, it will be rather fuzzy, but that's okay, you don't need to remember what you are about to tell me. Because this drug also lowers your inhibitions and renders you unable to lie, because you just can't think of not telling the truth on this drug, so let's get this straight, which of you were apart of the planned coup on me, raise your hand please." I watch in slight glee as hands raise up, Lord Mcullah, Lady Strullix, Lord Trax, Lady Trin, Lady Anneth, Lord Siccin, Lady Bhail, and Lord Vern all raise up their hands.

"Excellent, glad we established which side we're on. Lord Grahl why did you decide not to join the coup?" He blinks at me, glancing around at the raised hands with confusion, they were still holding them up, probably because I never said to put them down.

"I like any ruler who is Drakkon, they've always been good to me, and never messed with my Nyri farm so why would I care who is ruler or not?" Well, here I thought he was going to say something like he liked me more than my father, but I suppose after his previous comment about complimenting the bottles of Nyri I shouldn't be surprised by his obsession.

"All right then, Lady Dain, why did you not join the coup?" I needed to know their reasons because if I kept the five of them as semi-allies then I only needed to convince two of the other High Nobles to side with me in order to completely nip this coup in the bud.

"Because your Arachne silk is my new favorite fabric, I'm having all my new clothes made out of it, if one of your relatives takes over how do I know if the supply will continue? No, you are the safer bet, to keep my dresses safe." Wow, they were all like children, obsessing over material things, no matter though I suppose, should be easy to keep their favour then.

"Lady Vel, how about you why did you choose to not join the coup?" She looks down at her lap as if embarrassed.

"Because I love my husband and if Lady Taarique becomes Queen she'll take him from me, she has always wanted him, every Centennial she tries to persuade him to leave me." She looked like she was about to cry, and I for one actually thought that was a great reason to not want Taarique as Queen, because I had no doubt that is she wanted Lady Vel's husband she would no doubt forcefully take him if she was Queen.

"Well, rest assured I won't let that happen. Now Lord Vern why did you not join the coup against me." He looks me up and down slowly, openly checking me out, the smug fool probably thought he was some sort of womanizer because so many women wanted him for his money and title.

"Because you're a woman and can be easily manipulated, once your marriage to King Cedric is over would you like to marry me? You're beautiful." I smirk at his words, knowing he would be the easiest to manipulate, fools who think they can control woman always are, they never know that the woman is really controlling them.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now