Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"Bennett, you have no choice, I am not going to let you remain in power among the nobility, so you can either give it to your daughter and retire peacefully or you can fight this and see where it gets you, somewhere I assure you will be much less enjoyable than your own estate." His face was almost purple, he was spitting mad, he was so mad he didn't even try to act like he respected my position above him.

"You bitch! You can't tell me what to do! You have no authority over me! I am the head of my family! A member of the High Nobility! I can call down forces to have you beaten and killed in an instant!" I raise an eyebrow, smirking at him, this was kind of amusing.

"Can you really? Do it please, I'd love to see who would come to your aid to beat up the Queen of Drakkon. Truly I would, it will just make my day, of course all of you will end up in prison for trying to assault royalty, but please give it a try." His face goes white as if he realizes who he is actually talking to for the first time since I told him he had to resign from his position.

"Uh... Your majesty...." He was speechless, he didn't even know what to say to cover up the treasonous words he said in anger, though I am sure he meant every single one of them.

"Here you know what, hit me." I step towards him, and he stumbles back looking confused and afraid.

"Your majesty? What are you saying?" Gods did he not realize when a woman asked him to hit her, she meant it, did he not realize that we don't just stand there quietly while men were yelling and wait to be punished? Such an idiot, I don't know how he survived in this position without someone assassinating him a long time ago.

"You heard me, hit me! You land a single hit, and I won't force you to give up your position, hell you land a hit, and you can have mine, how does that sound?" The mere notion of being king must have made him go nuts because he just lunged for me, aiming a fist at my face.

I move out of the way, dodging his first punch with ease, tsking, I taunt him into swinging again. "Ah ah ah, you'll have to move faster than that to catch me. Talon, are my people really this slow? Surely all my reflexes can't just come from my mother?" I turned away from the bumbling idiot to speak to my guard, perfectly at ease even though I knew he was going to come back to try to hit me again. Talon's eyes widen as he watches Bennett swing again, I barely even have to glance his way before my hand is coming up and grabbing his hand, I crush it in my grasp and he yelps, his legs giving way beneath him.

My punishing grasp being the only thing stopping him from falling to the ground, I squeeze hard, feeling the bones crack and break in my grasp, my nails digging deep gouges into the top of his hand. "Let go!" He bellows it like I have to listen to what he says, does he not realize the position he is in even now?

"No, because unlike you I am not a weakling. I don't have to hit those weaker than me to get them to follow me, I realize that may sound a bit hypocritical in this situation, but you did try to hit me first after all." I squeeze his hand harder, ignoring the blood trailing down his arm, I turn to his daughter who had been here the entire time.

Completely ignored by her father, it was like she wasn't even there. "I hope you choose not to make the same mistakes as your father when you're in his position. I won't be nearly so forgiving with you, women are supposed to be smarter when it comes to deception, so if you're going to do something against me, you better make damn sure I am dead because if I catch you, you will be, is that understood?" Here I was, having a perfectly normal, non-threatening, conversation with Talia while still crushing her father's fist in my grasp.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now