Chapter Thirty-One

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

I glance down at my arm, the slight vibration and flashing light a sign that someone was trying to videocast me. I set down my half empty snack plate, it was late afternoon, I had finished most of my duties, so who thought something was so urgent that they had to videocast me directly? I answer the call and blink in surprise when Caius' face appears before me. "Caius? Why are you videocasting me so early? I wasn't expecting your report until later tonight." He dips his head in acknowledgement of my words and respect to my position.

"I apologize for the interruption your majesty, but this couldn't wait. We've received news from Narcissa and Kraven's spies, House Trennix is beginning to prep their armada, I believe that they will be headed here soon and would like to know what our orders are?" In other words what were the rules he had to follow? Shoot first and ask later? Ask first and risk lives? Wait to see what happens? This wasn't something I could hastily judge.

"To be determined, I will be arriving soon." His eyes widen in surprise, though I don't know why, they all knew that I was a Solveig, I wasn't one to back down from battles.

"Your majesty? This is the beginning of a war, surely it would be better for you to remain at the palace?" I give him a blank stare, not caring for his suggestion that I stay where it was safe.

"Caius, if you were in my position, would you stay at the palace where it was safe, or would you go fight with the people who might die for their empire?" He looks down, obviously knowing his answer without having to even think about it.

"I would fight of course, your majesty. But I am not Queen of the empire, I am only seventh in line for the throne, expendable in situations such as this, you however are not, if you die here, Taarique will take your position, are you okay with that?" No, I wasn't okay with that, which was why I would not die out there, I refused to let Cedric win so easily.

"You are not expendable Caius, besides dying in battle against Cedric is not my fate, I will meet you at the border in a few hours, and we will meet the threat together." My words were resolute, he would not be changing my mind, and I think he knew that as well, even from the beginning, but it was still his duty to try.

"Of course, your majesty. I await your arrival." He dipped his head to me, and I ended the videocast, Tanza and Yanu had already begun making preparations to depart from Draka to the border as quickly as possible.

It doesn't seem to take long at all to finish preparing to leave for the border, we had been anticipating this for a few days after all, I think my guards were well aware of what I would do as soon as I heard that the ships were on the way to the border, which is why they were already well prepared for the trip. I smile grimly at Titus as we stand before the shuttle, saying farewell. "I leave the Drakkon Empire in your capable hands while I am away Titus." His smile is wobbly as tears fill his eyes, this situation no doubt reminding him of when he bid farewell to my father and his wife before their trip and how he had to hear and believe they were dead for over half a year, I could very well die in this battle, and he knew it.

"You may leave this empire in my hands while you are away your majesty, but it will forever be yours to rule." He kneels before me, head bowed, I give him a small smile that drops from my face as I see the gathered nobility that had come to see me off, drop down to their knees as well.

"Forever may you reign, Queen Alessandra!" Their shouted words of loyalty left me speechless, I knew that a portion of them were probably faking their support, but I also knew that a good portion of them probably meant it, the High nobles were in my favour, and I knew that many of the Low nobles were as well, I had finally earned their loyalty even if I had done things that upset them in the beginning.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now