Chapter Thirty-Three

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"We've caught up to the shuttle, your majesty." I nod, acknowledging the information even if I could see for myself that we had caught up to the shuttle.

"Send out warning shots around the shuttle." I had to get it to stop, though I doubt it would take much because of the size of our cruiser versus their small shuttle. I watch the three blue laser beams shoot past the shuttle in a triangle shape, making it clear to them that we would shoot if they insisted on trying to flee again.

"We're receiving a videocast from the shuttle, my Queen." I wave my hand to put it up on the screen, a man that was most certainly not Cedric appeared. He had dark green hair that was flipped over to one side of his head, with the other side being shaved, he had a nose piercing, and a tattoo on his neck, he looked like nothing I had seen here except on earth. Everyone here was so put together, none of the men had piercings or tattoos, woman only had piercings in their ears, it was refreshing to see someone that reminded me of earth.

"Queen Alessandra, I am Ronan Trennix, I will gladly stop our retreat if you swear not to hurt my crew." He was related to Cedric? Somehow that seemed very far fetched, and yet his last name alone put him as part of the Trennix royal family.

"I have no intention of harming those who don't get in my way, do you intend to get in my way Ronan of House Trennix?" He shakes his head, staring at me solemnly across the screen.

"No, your majesty. I have no quarrel with you, nor does this empire." I raise an eyebrow at him, surprised by his words, and the audacity he has to say them.

"Except your king does, and is he not the voice of this empire? Are you trying to lie to me, Ronan? I assure you that will not go over well for you or your crew." He raises his hand in surrender, immediately shaking his head, as he tries to placate my anger.

"Cedric is not our king, but our tyrant your majesty. I will gladly tell you his location if you can swear to try to do as little bloodshed as possible when hunting him down." His words surprised me, even if I suppose they made sense on some level, I knew Cedric was not a kind king to his people, that he often abused his servants, but to hear him called a Tyrant by one of his own relatives was a new low for him to reach.

"I think you and I have much to discuss, Ronan Trennix, your crew will be spared if you come aboard, immediately." I shut of the videocast and turn to my crew who are all looking at me, awaiting orders. "Send out two shuttles to escort it into the docking bay." They follow my commands without hesitation, believing I know what I'm doing even if this was the first time, I had taken control in a space battle, apart from the movies or tv shows I had seen on Earth, I was just making it up as I go, going with my gut mostly.

"The shuttles are escorting it back now. Where would you like the crew escorted your majesty?" I tilt my head as I think about it, but there was really only one place they could go.

"Take the crew to the brig, though escort Lord Ronan to my office." I stand up and head to my office, knowing that my crew will take care of everything. It doesn't take them long to escort Ronan to my office, he bows his head upon entering, showing me a lot of respect for someone who isn't his ruler. "Ronan Trennix, what is your relation to Cedric?" He still keeps his head lowered as he answers me, flinching each time my fingernail taps against my deck.

"He is my third cousin your majesty." I hum, staring at him with narrowed eyes, he was leaving out something in his relation to Cedric, but I suppose it wasn't exactly something he wanted to freely offer in this situation.

"And what is your position among the royal line?" He must be seventh in line for the throne or something, he had to be far away from the throne is Cedric was willing to sacrifice him out here.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now