Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"We're entering close to orbit of Trenna." I look down at Trenna, the capital planet of Trennix, the one Cedric was hiding on. It wasn't overly large, smaller than Draka was at any rate. It was a little nerve-racking to know that you were about to engage in battle, not knowing what could happen, if anyone would get injured, if anyone would die.

"You're sure he's down there? I do not want to attack the castle if there is no proof, he's there." Prince Ronan looks away from Trenna, his eyes having been similarly glued to it, no doubt worrying about the fate of his people if we attack, whether we win or lose, innocents will die.

"He's there your majesty, I am sure of it. He feels safest there, he will not leave even if we attack, he will most likely attempt to hide in his safe room." Cedric always had seemed like a coward, a cunning man when he could stab someone in the back, but in a face-to-face fight where the odds weren't rigged, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance, which is why he tried stacking the decks in his favor by accepting that new technology, too bad for him those invaders didn't want me to die.

"Where is his safe room?" If I could find out where he would hide rather than having to search for him the deck would be more than stacked in my favor. The time to act was now, when even Cedric's own people wanted him dead, I couldn't wait for Kalo, not when victory or even defeat was so close in my grasp, besides it would be seen as a weakness that House Morgase had to help me defeat House Trennix, no I could do this alone.

"I don't know, he would never tell me, probably in case I did plan a coup and chased him through the castle, he still might be able to hide out there and survive, but Cedric would want it close, it would have to be in the throne room or his chambers, anywhere else is too public." I would bet as cocky as Cedric was, it wasn't in the throne room, sure there might be a path to the safe room from there, but I had a feeling it would be near his chambers, so if someone attacked at night, he could quickly hide.

"Ready the shuttles, we're descending onto the planet." I stand up from my chair and head towards the shuttles, they already knew who was coming and who would stay behind in the cruisers, this had long been figured out when we were on our way here, now all that stood between us and victory, was a castle full of soldiers and weapons, protecting a king who didn't deserve it.

I board the shuttle and strap in, Nova taking her place on the shuttle as well, I had been worried this would be confined to a space only shuttle and she would be uselessly couped up here, or worse dead if the cruiser had been destroyed but my mother had insisted, and I was glad for it. After all, if I died, she would as well, that was the price of the bond between us, if I was going off to war, I wanted her by my side. Solveig's fought battles with their Ikari, I suppose in that aspect they were similar to Earth's war horses, though a lot bigger and more deadly. I stroke her snout, feeling my limbs tremble slightly with adrenaline. "Here we go, girl. Time to go kill a tyrant king." I could feel her own nerves, similar to my own, but more subdued, she was a predator, she was unafraid of battle, the only thing I could feel from her strongly was that she was pleased to be with me, pleased to be going into battle with me, pleased to help me cause bloodshed.

We land three hundred meters away from the castle, in the middle of a city square that should be bustling with people at this time, but it's completely empty, the entire city was quiet, as if they all knew what was coming and they were trying to hide from it, or the invaders had already done something to them, though I doubted it, they wanted to see what I could do too much, see what I was capable of. I emerge from my shuttle slowly, the half a dozen bonded Solveig's with us peering around uneasily at the quiet atmosphere. Something was off, it felt too quiet, too still, like the sound or feeling you get before you walk into a trap. I jump up on Nova and glance around uneasily, but having no choice but to forge onward. "Ikari riders first, the rest of you follow behind." I take the lead, not willing to be shielded from battle like a coward, even if my soldiers would have preferred that.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now