Chapter 17: Important things

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(HorrorLust and Dustberry/Murderberry)

Blue questioning her how she looks

Horror being a sad bean

This chapter has a lot of flashbacks but it's connected to the story-


Lust was reading a book that Nightmare had given her. A few days ago she had been looking for a certain book. It was about a legend, of course, it was more exaggerated. But it talked about how people had gotten their powers, how they had all been able. And Lust was one of them. When you got the powers it strangely sometimes changed your appearance, especially your hair.

Lust was born with light brown hair, her eyes were always strangely purple, and she had quite a few freckles. Though when she got her powers or... 'activated' her powers. Her hair started slowly becoming purple, her eyes shone a brighter purple, and more freckles grew across her face.

No one ever told her why, no one really knew. Though, she wanted answers. Even if it was really late in the night, she needed to know. Horror, Murder, Nightmare, Dream, and a few more who lived or stayed in this castle. They had the same... problem? No... the same "gift" as her.

She read and read seconds... minutes... hours... they flew by.

As Lust continued reading it was as if her surroundings started disappearing. She was now in another world. She read and read. She didn't want it to end, she had started getting quite used to reading a lot. When Horror took her in, she would read a lot. Though she soon started working in his castle so her reading hours shortened.

Just didn't notice but someone else was there with her. Only did she notice when a hand touched her shoulder. She quickly looked up only to see that it was Blue. The young soldier girl. Though this time her hair wasn't blue but blonde. A bright yellow color like the sun, very pretty indeed. She, Blue, smiled nervously.

"Hello... um, Lust? Right?" she asked nervously.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Blue!" the others introduced themselves.

"A pleasure to meet you Blue, it seems you already know my name," Lust said getting up.

Blue smiled and quickly grabbed her hand, shaking it excitedly. Lust seemed a bit shocked but still smiled. She never really talked much to people, she got extremely nervous when talking to others. But Blue was very nice. They had met already a few times but never really introduced, just a quick question. "How are you?" and well... just simple things.

Blue sat next to Lust.

"What are you reading?" Blue asked.

"A legend about how people got powers... how shapeshifters were born and all those things" Lust smiled. She made sure to bookmark her book and then closed it. "Of course, it's only a legend so not everything is true"

"You never know," Blue smiled. Lust chuckled. "Which kingdom are you from?" Blue asked curiously.

"Kamachya" Lust smiled.

"You're from that kingdom where they survived extremely harsh winters and were able to keep almost everyone alive!" Blue said excitedly.

"Yes, indeed," Lust said a bit shyly.

Everyone mistook her kingdom for a strong one. Well, they definitely were. But the harshest winter wasn't the best. It happened a few years ago...

Lust was just around 16 (she's 22 by now), her knees up to her chest as she cried. Her family had just been attacked, they had stolen her food and taken her family to sell them as slaves. She whimpered a bit and sniffed. But soon fell silent as she heard rustling. Was this how she was going to die? Oh no... she hadn't been able to say goodbye to her parents, or her sisters, or her brothers. Oh her poor little brother! Oh, poor little-

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