"Violet can you hear me?"

"Uhhu." I wanted to say yes but I started coughing violently.

He brought a small glass of water and made me drink. I took small sips while his hands smoothened my hair out.

"An-dr-" I tried speaking but it was difficult.

I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened a doctor was waiting.

"I'm here to examine you Miss Walker." He says and I nod my head.

He quickly did what he came for and told me that I would have difficulty speaking for a few days. I didn't know where I was but it looked like a hospital.

He left and soon Andrew was back to my side. I never turned around to see if there was anyone else.

He smiles upon seeing me.

"Hey Violet." He took a seat on the chair and held my hand in his. He looked so tired.

"H-ey." I tried.

"Don't speak. Just nod or shake your head." He said sternly and I nodded.

"There is so much I want to talk to you about." he chuckled and I nodded wanting him to go ahead.

"First of all happy belated birthday my princess." He kissed my forehead and smiled down at me. "Second belated Merry Christmas." I nodded at him with a small smile. "And I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I'm so sorry." The guilt swam through his eyes.

I shook my head. "N-no. N-ot y-or fa-ult." My voice sounded gruff.

"It was. I should have been careful. I'm so disappointed in myself." A tear slipped down his cheek.

With all my strength I raised my hand and wiped his cheek. "No. Y-ou ar-e the bes-t."

"We'll talk when your throat is better. Shall I call our brothers?" He asked.

"Ti-ime?" I asked him.

He looked at his watch and answered. "4.07 am." I immediately shook my head.

"I'll send Vincent. I'm sure he also wants to say something to you." He smiled and got up. So Vin was here all along.

A moment later the door opened, I and turned my head to meet Vin's smiling face. He walked over, placed a kiss on my forehead and took a seat next to me.

"I'm so glad you are back angel." He caressed my hand.

"M-me too." I said.

He shushed me. "Don't strain your throat. I just want to tell you that I was worried sick, I can't imagine a life without you. I love you Alina." He kissed my hand. I mouthed him a 'I love you too Vin.'

He chuckled and started stroking my hair. It successfully lulled me to sleep.

Few hours later

I was rudely awoken by a few voices. They were apparently whispering but were loud enough for me to wake.

I slowly opened my eyes. The whispers grew into screams about me being awake.

There was my family, Vincent's family, James, Jacob and their dad.

Literally all of them were asking me questions at the same time.

"Guys." Vincent's voice boomed through the room and everything quietens.

"Stop hollering." Vin said in an irritated voice. I mentally chuckled and looked around.

Uncle Alex comes forward and bends down to kiss my forehead. "Get well soon little one. We are glad you are back. Vincent was being a pain everyone's ass without you here." I silently laughed while others laughed out loud.

"Dad." Vin whined. "I wasn't that bad."

"Get well soon sweetie. We still have to learn how to cook." Vincent's mother smiled down at me and kissed my forehead as well.

James and Jacob's dad also wished me and the older people left us.

One by one all of them kissed my forehead and said something.

"I felt so lonely without Alina. The home without her laughter is just a laugh." Felix groaned.

"Yeah I hate to admit it but I missed her pranks." Mason said with a cheeky grin.

They all continue saying things and I gave them a big smile. I glanced to my side where Vincent was and tapped on his waist. This immediately caught his attention and looked down at me in concern.

"Wa-t-er." I said with difficulty. He nods and brought a glass of water. Andrew lifted up the bed with the button so I was in a sitting position.

Vincent brought the glass to my lips and tilted it a little.





They were having some silly fight.

"Oh sissy you know Allen got a girl pregnant." I heard Felix say.

I spit the small amount of water that was in my mouth and start coughing violently again.

I hope you all liked this chapter.💫

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