The Remnants Of A Sand Castle (A Gaara Love Story)

Start from the beginning

"Well, that was a nice little meeting." I say, finally calm. and everyone sighs.

"PEACE OUT!" I say, and teleport to my bestie friend.


"NARUTO, MAN!!" I face my good friend and we do our awesome handshake, "'Sup dude?" I ask.

"Nothin' much." we nod at each other. Me and Naruto are really close. He's the Jinchuuriki of the Nine tailed Fox. And I didn't use some super awesome way to get the information. 

He just told me.

He wasn't worried about what I'd think, because he knew I would accept him. I always do.

People nickname me the 'Loving Saint', because I accept and befriend anyone.

I don't see the big deal, though. Everyone has a back story, a history. Reasons for the way they are. I think that finding out what people are like is fun. It's nice to know what makes that person who they are. May be just me, but whatever.

He and I walk away from his team meeting with Kakashi, since Naruto had come back from his mission.

"Wait up!" I hear my other friend's voice: Sasuke.

He comes up on the other side of me, probably to be beside me, and not Naruto.

We talk for a while about pretty much anything, and I feel peaceful.

Then I see two Ninjas in the distance that I don't recognize. One was blond, and the other had purple face paint. Creepy, but interesting. Their faces were confident, so they were strong. I could tell they had a lot of training.

"Hold up," I stop Naruto and Sasuke and point at the two ninja,"we have visitors."

"Hello," The blondie spoke to Sasuke and blushed. Uggh. Gross.

"Who are you?!" Naruto was on guard. I sweat drop.

Dude, what could you do to them, they're so much stronger than you?

"We're Ninja from the Hidden Sand." The blond spoke.

"What are Sand Ninjas here for?" Sasuke asked. Stupid Kakashi, hadn't told his students yet.

"They're here for the Chunin exams... Aren't you, Blondie?" I shout over to her.

"Well, looks like the girl's got her smarts..." The kitty eared dude called over to me.

"My name isn't girl... It's Minako. Aburame Minako." I shout to them. I may be on my guard, but they don't seem too intimidating.

"What? So you're one of those creepy bug ninjas..." The blondie sneered. I was insulted.

"I'm adopted... But I won't forgive you for insulting my family," I walked forward.

"You wanna start something?" The Blondie whipped out a HUGE fan. So, of course, me being who I am, point at it and start to freak out.


And everyone anime falls.

"REALLY!? That's the first thing that came to mind?!" The blond fumes.

"Temari, Kankuro, stand down." I heard a stale, frightening voice up by the top of the tree. So I look up.

And find a RED HEAD!

He jumps down, and for some reason his friends look really scared.

"Gaara... Um.. We were just.." The girl named Temari tried to reason.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you." The read head threatened them both, and I thought, how is that good for team work?

But at the moment, I was mesmerized by one thing.


And Gaara got a WTF? look.

"What?" He asked again.

"I'm saying, I'm a sucker for redheads. I mean, seriously, they're HOT!" I was telling the truth. I love red hair.

And everyone looked really shocked when Gaara come up to me and grabbed me by the neck. Why they were surprised, I'll have no idea.

"Do you want to die?" He whispered at my face. So, I, not reading the situation, answers honestly.

"No, I'm not suicidal. I like living. Why?" Gaara, sensing I have no fear, lets go, and squints at me, just looking. 

It made me feel uncomfortable.


Now, for me this is totally out of character, but... WTF? Who is this girl, and why is she not afraid of me? 

Everyone hates me.

They all reject me.

I'm a monster.


Kid, even I know who she is...

Shukaku? Who is she?

She's Nicknamed the 'Loving Saint' because there isn't a person in this world she hates. She rejects no one.

What? Well, how do you know of her?

The last person who was my Jinchuuriki met her too.

What? How old is she?

Even I don't know.

I stared at her, squinting. I could tell she was uncomfortable. Really, who IS she?

"So, like where do you get your eyeliner, dude?" She asked me, cocking her head in a really cute way.

Cute? What?

"It's not eyeliner." I said, crossing my arms, trying to keep my cool, "who are you?" I nodded at her.

"ME?" She pointed to herself, and kept going, "I'm Aburame Minako. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Gaara, or should I say.. Mr. Raccoon?!" She then pointed to me. Doesn't she know pointing is rude?


"I am NOT a raccoon." I glare at her, but she shakes it right off. She holds out her hand instead and says, "Well, Mr. Raccoon, I'll be looking forward to seeing you again, in the Chunin exam." She looks up at me, and smiles really cutely.

What is wrong with me?

Ignoring my weird thoughts, I took her hand and shook it, and I turned red. 

About as red as my hair. She blinks, all confused, and asks me, "Gaara, do you have a fever? You're red."

I could tell Temari and Kankuro were probably surprised. I've never reacted like this before. I don't know what's wrong.

 "Well, see you later, Mr. Raccoon, I gotta go now." And she just as promptly teleports out.

I stare at the Uchiha boy, and the whisker face.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I try to pull myself together.

"Nothing, just wondering about how her brother will feel about this." the Uchiha walks away, before I can ask any more. And the blond one follows.

But seriously, WHO IS SHE?



And the girl on the cover is Minako.

Look out for the next chap!!


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