Chapter 17

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Belarus,Del and Philip were inside one of the big guest rooms,creating noise from the inside. Meanwhile, Martial,Ukraine,Zak and Russia were waiting outside.

"What do you think they're doing?"Ukraine asked as Bela's scream rang in the background.

"I dunno..."Russia muttered,shrugging.

"Alright!It's done!"Bela proclaimed from the inside of the room.

The other four outside the room heard Del and Philip sigh from the inside. A few seconds later,Bela opened the door.

"It's finished. Come in,dear guests."Bela said,bowing.

"I'm the only guest here. Those three live with you."Martial told,pointing to Bela's siblings.

"Oh."Bela mumbled as the four entered.

They marvelled as they scanned the room. Fairylights hung from the ceiling,there were pillows on the floor,and even scented candles.

Philip and Del were lying down inside the fort they built with tired expressions. But when Philip saw Russia,he perked up.

"Russia,look!We built a fort!"Philip exclaimed.

"That's cool."Russia said,sitting outside the fort next to Philip.

"What's this?"Ukraine asked,taking a round container.

"That's face cream. Want some?"Del asked.

"You have face cream?"Ukraine asked,waving the container.

"Yeah,why?Is something wrong with that?"Del replied.

"Nothing,I just never knew you'd be the kind to have one."Ukraine muttered.

"YOU should have one. You need it."Del retorted.

"Excuse me?!"Ukraine burst out.

Ukraine threw the face cream at Del. Russia pulled Philip to the side to prevent him from getting hit. Martial was lying infront of a candle,sniffing it.

Bela was lying on top of a pile of pillows and Zak placed all the candles on a table. The whole scene was chaotic and peaceful at the same time.

"Well,look what we have here."Katipunan said from the door.

"You've done a good job decorating this place."Soviet remarked,looking around.

"Thank you!"Belarus thanked,feeling proud.

"Your mothers will bring up some food for you guys later."Katipunan told.

"Okay. Thank you,papa!"Philip exclaimed.

Katipunan walked away and Soviet closed the door. After the sound of their footsteps disappeared,Bela pulled out a box. She opened it,and shelves filled with make-up products popped up.

"Okay,let's start!"Bela announced.

"You mean we're gonna put on...make-up?"Ukraine asked in disbelief.

"Yeah,why?"Del asked.

"Make-up's itchy."Ukraine complained.

"Oh,please. You just have sensitive skin."Del waved a hand casually.

Del took out another box and opened it. Different colors of nail polish were in there. He took a nail polish that was color black.

"Oh,and we're gonna paint our nails,too."Ukraine said sarcastically.

"I don't see a problem with that."Philip told.

"Who wants to go first?"Del and Bela asked simultaneously.

|| Billions Worth of Love || RUSPHIL ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora