Chapter 16

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It was calm,winter day. The two parents were in a room,chatting and gossiping about their children(mostly the mothers) while their kids were downstairs in the living room.

"I swear,if those cookies won't choke you,I will."Ukraine said as she watched Bela snatch her cookies from her plate and stuff it in her mouth.

"Mmrf mmf mm mrff."Bela replied.

"Bela,don't speak when your mouth's full."Russia told.

"Hey,that's mine!"Del exclaimed when Bela took his cookie.

Philip was nibbling his cookie and holding it as tight as possible so Bela wouldn't be able to steal it from him. Martial wasn't even eating.

He was curled up in a corner with this creepy smile that made Russia feel super uncomfortable. Zak was ALSO keeping his distance from Martial.

They were all in the living room with a big round plate filled with cookies. Philip was shifting in his seat before standing up.

"I need to go to the bathroom."Philip excused himself.

"Don't take too long or Bela will take your cookies."Ukraine jokingly warned.

Philip laughed nervously. It didn't exactly sound like a joke but a REAL warning. He hurried to a bathroom on the second floor.

After doing his business,Philip walked out. He happened to pass by the room where the parents were. Finally,Philip remembered the reason why he used the bathroom on the second floor rather than the one downstairs.

A few seconds later,Philip threw open the door,surprising the parents who were chatting. Perlas was the first to recover from the shock.

"Is something wrong,anak?"she asked.

"Uh,mama,papa,Mr. Soviet,Mrs. RE,I need to tell you something."Philip started slowly.

"...Is this a continuation of what Russia wanted to say before?"Soviet guessed.

"Yes,it is."Philip nodded,fiddling with his sweater.

"Okay,where did we leave off?"Soviet turned to his wife.

"Russia was stuttering about him and Philip."Mrs. RE replied,looking thoughtful and wise.

"Right. You two were?..."Katipunan asked.

"Me and Russia are..."

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After half an hour,Philip returned to the living room. Ukraine and Bela were watching a horror movie on the TV.

Del and Martial,who were fighting just earlier,were sitting on the floor behind the couch,completely engrossed with the horror movie since that's their favorite genre.

Zak retreated to the kitchen to wash the dishes-but it was really just to get away from watching a movie that'd give him nightmares.

But the person Philip was looking for wasn't there: Russia. The Filipino walked around the room,desperately looking for Russia.

"Oi!You're blocking the way."Del complained as Philip walked by the TV for the hundreth time.

"Sorry. Have you guys seen Russia?"Philip asked,sounding a bit agitated.

"Is everything alright,Philip?"Martial asked.

"I'm just looking for Russia."Philip quickly told.

"He said he went to the bathroom. He went THAT way."Ukraine said,pointing the remote control towards a hallway.

"Thanks!"Philip said.

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