Chapter 3

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|| Narrator's POV ||

Philip sat in class,reading in advance. Most of the students weren't in the room yet,so Philip guessed they'd come at the last minute,like Russia said.

Philip tried to focus,but something was still on his mind. It was what Mrs. RE said. Philip's cheeks were tinted red,recalling all the times Russia did or gave something to him,saying his mother told him to.

Eventually,Philip gave up on reading cause he couldn't get himself to focus. He just decided to maybe rest a bit before class started.

A minute after Philip closed his eyes,he heard loud voices outside the room,getting louder. A girl opened the door and stepped in like she owned the place,her back straight and her head high.

"We'll see you later,Elle!Take care,okay?Love you,Elle!"a crowd of boys said.

"Who's she?"Philip thought.

"Shush!You're hurting my ears."the girl complained.

"Sorry,Elle."the boys whispered.

The girl named Elle sat down on a chair besides Russia's. She crossed her legs and had her chin up. Philip wondered who she was,but looked back at the front.

Finally,Russia entered the room. Once he did,Elle quickly turned her head towards him with shining eyes. She then sighed as Russia made his way to his seat.

"Hi,Russia!~"Elle greeted.

"Hm..."Russia hummed,uninterested.

"Hey,Russia."Philip whispered.

Russia looked up at Philip,raising his head. Elle looked at him with an irritated face and a brow raised. It was clear Elle wanted to know what Philip's business was.

"Good morning!"Philip greeted,smiling at Russia.

"Good morning."Russia greeted back.

Elle was shocked. Ever since she got into the same class as Russia,he had always ignored her,or anyone else. Only his friends were the ones he'd respond to,which Philip was,but of course,Elle didn't know.

Philip beamed at Russia,and it seemed like Russia smiled under his mask. Elle noticed this. She was getting pissed,glaring at Philip. Then,Mr. Jones walked in and class started.

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Again,like yesterday,Philip sat in the corner of the cafeteria,eating alone. Philip sighed,feeling bored. He just ate his food,wishing someone would at least talk to him.

Russia,on the other hand,wished he didn't have to talk every minute. His friends keep asking him stuff,and he has to answer.

Russia looked around,then saw Philip. He had a bored and lonely expression. Russia felt bad,wanted some peace and quite,and wanted to be with Philip at the same time.

So he stood up and walked to Philip's table. His friends,China and America,watched him walk away. The two knew Russia well enough to not question his decision.

Russia sat beside Philip,who was surprised to see him. Russia just rested his head on the table with his arms around it. As for Philip,he felt awkward.

It's always awkward with Russia whenever it's quiet. Philip just continued eating his food,but then remembered something.

"H-Hey,Russia?..."Philip muttered.

"Yeah?"he replied.

"About yesterday,thank you for the sunflowers."Philip told,making Russia flinch.

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