Chapter 2

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|| Narrator's POV ||

Philip got his bag. He walked up to the mirror and checked himself out. He looked pretty good in that uniform.

Philip went downstairs,but as he was about to pass the dining room,he heard voices. A female and a male's. Philip peeked in to see who it was.

"Look,Russia. I just want you to take care of Philip."Mrs. RE was saying."He's your friend after all."

"Hm..."Russia grumbled under his mask.

"Young man,I better not see Philip hurt. I even signed him up in the classes you're in."Mrs. RE said."Now go on ahead."

Philip wondered what is was about. But he shrugged it off and kept walking. He kept going until someone called him.

"Philip."a monotone voice called,making Philip flinch.

"O-Oh...Russia. It's just you."Philip said.

"Mom said we should walk together to school."Russia told.

"Okay. I'm fine with that."Philip beamed.

The two walked their way to the academy. It was pretty awkward,like always. So Philip tried to remove the awkwardness since it was making him uncomfortable.

"Have you been feeling at home lately?"Russia askes,catching Philip of guard.

"Uh...Y-Yeah,it's just that your house is a lot bigger than mine."Philip answered."S-So,where's your siblings?"

"Oh...We don't walk to school together."Russia replied.

"Why?"Philip asked."Do you guys not like walking together?"

"No. It's just we each prefer to walk at a different time."Russia told.

"Okay."Philip replied.

After that was just the awkward silence once again. Luckily,school was close by now. The two went in the campus. Philip stopped to admire the school.

"Wow...So big."Philip whispered.

Philip proceeded to follow Russia. He walked behind him as the taller countryleader led the way to their classroom.

Finally,Russia stopped infront of a door. He looked at Philip to see if he was keeping up,then opened the door for him.

"This is our room."Russia said.

Philip went in,and the classroom was pretty big,like his bedroom back at Russia's place. Students stopped at what they were doing to look at Philip.

Philip flinched when he realized he was being stared at. He didn't know what to do,so he smiled and hesitantly waved at them.

The class went back to what they were previously doing,and chattering started. Philip spotted Russia sitting beside the window.

"H-Hey,Russia. Where can I sit?"Philip asked.

"Over there."Russia replied,pointing to the spot right infront of him.

"Okay. Thanks."Philip said before sitting down.

The countryleader felt himself shaking. He took a deep breath,trying to relax himself. He cooled down a bit...But the teacher entered the classroom,and now Philip's heart was going crazy.

"Good morning,class."the teacher greeted,walking to the front.

"Good morning,Mr. Jones."the class greeted back.

"Did you eat breakfast this morning?"the teacher asked,sighing."Put more energy on your greetings."

"Yes,sir."the class whined unenthusiasticly.

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