Chapter 10

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It's been a while since Russia and Philip's "unofficial relationship" had started. It was November,and leaves were falling from branches of trees.

And this chapter starts again with the two walking. Philip was staring down on the pavement,not even blinking. Russia held his hand so he wouldn't stray from the path.

Another awkward walk home?Check. Or at least for Russia. He knows he agreed with the unofficial relationship thing,but he had to admit,he was getting impatient.

He wanted Philip to tell him that he was ready for an OFFICIAL relationship. He'd thought about asking Philip about it,but he was held back from doing so.

Russia wanted to talk to Philip and make the relationship official,but he thought Philip might think he's too eager and is slowly being pushy about it. So he did what he did best,most of the time. He kept his mouth shut.

Even though the awkward and uncomfortable walk,either from or to school,was being a normal thing,Russia still hated it.

The Russian wanted to maybe start up a conversation to lift the unbearable atmosphere. The problem?He couldn't think of a topic that was interesting enough to talk about.

Russia tried to recall things Philip liked,but all he came up with were flowers. And he couldn't really think up of an way he would start a talk with THAT.

Russia took a small peek at Philip. By now,Philip's were starting to tear up,which caught Russia's attention.

"Hey,are you alright?!"Russia asked in his calm voice,but it was obvious he was worried.

"Ow!Ow..."Philip whispered,blinking his eyes.

"Hey,what's wrong?"Russia asked,stopping beside Philip."Why are you crying?"

"Uhh...Russia,when was the last time I blinked?"Philip asked,ignoring Russia's question.

"Oh,uh...I don't really know."Russia replied."Maybe when we left school grounds?"

"Ahh...It stings..."Philip hissed,wiping his tears away."Anyways,I'm not crying."

"Oh...Sorry. I thought you were."Russia said.

Philip stood there,blinking a few times before shaking his head and slapping both his cheeks.

"Why weren't you blinking?"Russia questioned.

"Spaced out..."Philip answered,looking up at Russia.

"I know you've spaced out a couple of times,but not like this."Russia told."What exactly were you thinking about?"

Philip looked at Russia for a while. He slowly looked down,trying to hide his blush and embarassment.

"It was...It was..."Philip faltered."It was our...Relationship..."

"Is there something wrong?"Russia asked.

"Well...I've been thinking about it for a while..."Philip muttered.

Russia didn't know why,but he suddenly felt nervous. Of course...The one in control is Philip with the unofficial relationship. It was HIS decision whether the relationship would be official or ENDED.

Russia tried to keep a straight face and not think TOO much. My,my,he could overthink so much if it's Philip we're talking about.

"I...Uhh...I don't know how to properly tell you this."Philip started.

"Yeah?..."Russia murmured,his voice trembling a bit but managed to hide it.

"Umm...I'm ready?"Philip smiled awkwardly,holding Russia's hands.

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