3. Dickface

Mulai dari awal

I walk out of the classroom lazily, it's lunch hour and I search to find the cafeteria. This is such a big place, and they didn't even give me a map—how rude.

I made sure to carry my lunch, hoping it's allowed. I don't see myself eating food from the cafeteria, I mean, what if they usually add some blood to the diet for their 'Vamps Academy babies?' Eww.

My stomach fastens at the thought and I know I'm a second away from puking.

"Hey, Ives!"

"Hi…it's Ivy." I force a smile.

Eve just flickers her eyes as if I am not making any sense. "Okay. Would you like to sit with us at lunch?"

I nod and follow her and Leah, I wait for them as they grab their food.

"Are you not eating?" Leah turns to me.

I blink for a minute and grab an apple, I rotate it in my hand, and she nods with approval. Nice save there, it would look weird if I didn't eat anything.

The table is unoccupied, but the cafeteria is flooded, and some kids are even eating while standing - but this table is empty.  I figure it's something to do with levels and stuff. I look around uncomfortably and meet eyes with this blonde girl, she winks at me and I look away—flustered.

What the hell?

Within a few minutes, some guys join us, I recognize two of them from earlier - they were with Dickface. One of them plants a kiss on Leah's lips. I look away immediately and focus on my phone. This right here defines me as being lost.

"Hey," one of the guys greets me. He has piercings on his eyebrows, nose, and bottom lip.

"Hey." I wave, trying hard not to attract attention. Just another boring new girl in school.

"Where's he?" Eve asks the guy who just kissed Leah.

"Behind you," he states and goes back to Leah's lips, how addictive are those lips? I wonder.

Recovering from it, I sneak a glance at him—Dickface.
He glances at me and I look away.

He whispers something into Eve's ear, and she giggles. "Excuse us guys," Eve says.

"Don't be gross." Leah waves her off.

The next fifteen to twenty minutes, Leah kisses her boyfriend—which is cute and disturbing. I force my eyes to stay on my phone until I can't take it anymore.

"Um…Leah… I will go back to class now." 

She pauses and like she just realized I have been here the whole time, her eyebrows marry. "Are you sure? Won't be bored all by yourself?"

I am bored right now!

"No, there's something I have to do. See you."

I walk back slowly to the classroom area. The hallway is overflowing with students, as usual, staring and gossiping. It feels like everyone is watching me, and I quicken my strides toward the classes.

I take a deep breath the moment I finally reach the door to my classroom. I push it open and at that moment, I regret leaving the cafeteria as soon as my eyes meet Eve's.

Go away!

I tell myself immediately, but my body can't move, as if it is frozen, and I can't feel my legs. I can only feel my eyes swelling wider with each second. I want to look away, but I can't.

Eve is seated on top of a desk and Dickface—it's crazy how I'm able to recognize him from the back, is standing between her wide-open legs.

Dick face is slowly smooching Eve's neck, and she doesn't fail to moan. She giggles and places a hand to her mouth the moment she notices I am not leaving.

Pushing the guy away, she leaps off the desk and fixes her dress. "Ives, I didn't know you were there." She giggles.

I smile. Were these guys seriously making out—in a classroom?

Dickface, on the other hand, doesn't seem affected by this, he only grunts and grabs his jacket.

"Hi," he says, walking past me, Our shoulders brush aggressively, and I am pushed to the side.

Before I can return the gesture, he leaves.

But what is at hand now is just how embarrassed I feel; walking in on people making out, and the crazy part is they are not
fazed by it. Well, it bothers me.

"I'm sorry," I apologize to Eve.

"Don't worry about it." She chuckles, just how bubbly does this girl get?

The siren goes off and she looks at me. "What are you having next?"

"I am going to have to check," I respond, taken aback by just how fast she rubbed it off.

"I'm off to History then, see you later." She jolts out of the classroom.

"Now I have to live with this," I murmur to myself. "Damn it."

Ever walked in on people making out?

She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang