"So you're saying he can't breathe?" Ron asks.

"With the extensive surgery, your father is not breathing on his own. Which is why we still have him intubated." Bailey says.

"Intubated?" Jerry asks.

"The tube in dad's mouth it's breathing for him." George informs him.

"And right now that tube has a kink in it, which is straining his breathing." Bailey says.

"How did it get a kink in it?" Louise asks.

"It just happens, we don't always know why." George says.

"But he's doing good today. I mean, he made plenty of pee so..." Ron says.

"Still, we need to replace the tube." Bailey says.

"So, why don't you just do it? I mean what are we waiting for?" Ron asks.

"Okay, with the damage to your father's esophagus and the swelling in his throat from being intubated all this time..." Bailey trails off.

"You might not be able to get it in? The new tube?" George finishes.

"Under these circumstances it can be a complicated procedure. If I'm not successful...I'm saying you need to prepare yourselves." Bailey says.


"You want to handle this Chief?" Bailey asks before she changes Harold's tube.

"Dr. Bailey you have a lot more hands on hours these days than I do. I'll be standing by to help but this is all yours." Richard says.

"All right Grey let me have 80ET-"

"Dr. Bailey, this is a patient. Just like any other patient. There's no room for error, which means there's no room for nerves." Richard says before she starts.

"All right let's do this. 8 O. I can't...I can't.." Bailey says.

"Is it too tight?" Evi asks.

"I can't get it past the vocal cords. Damn it." Bailey says.

"Pulse ox down to 88. Let's go." Richard says.

"Let me have a 7.5." Bailey asks.

"Come on." Richard urges.

"Ok I got it." Bailey says.

"Beautiful job. Beautiful job." Richard compliments.

"Can I go tell George?" Meredith asks. Bailey nods.

"Dr. Bailey you alright?" Evi asks.

"My son is named after his son. I just need a minute." Bailey says.


Cristina, Evi and Meredith are in the on-call room.

"Are you sleeping?" Cristina asks.

"I should be. I haven't slept in days." Meredith says.

"Me either. I can't sleep alone any more. I used to sleep just fine then he...he gets me all strung out on him and then he disappears?" Cristina says.

"He didn't disappear. He's in the hospital." Evi points out.

"I just want to know how he's doing." Cristina says.

"You could just ask him." Meredith says.

"He could just tell me."

"George's dad is going into renal failure." Evi says.

"I heard."

"My dad's here everywhere, every day. He's perfectly healthy and I have nothing to say to him. If George's dad dies..." Meredith trails off.

"I know." Cristina says.

"If Thatcher died my life wouldn't be any different. Is it weird that I'm a little jealous of George?" Meredith asks.

Evi scrunches her nose. "Yes."


"You're saying...it's not getting better. You're saying he's not going to wake up." Louise asks.

"Mrs. O'Malley, all of his organs are shutting down. His liver and his kidneys are no longer supporting him. And he is entirely dependant upon his life support machine." Richard says.

"We are saying he is not going to wake up. You can keep him on life support and wait for nature to take its course. That could take days or weeks. Or you can take him off life support." Bailey says.

"Unplug him?" Louise asks.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Georgie?" Jerry asks.


"What do you think?"

"Dad's in pain. His organs are shutting down. He can't breathe on his own. It's painful. And he's on medication but...medication can only do so much." George says.

"You think...you're saying...you think it's time...to let him go?" Louise asks.

"We can't tell you what to do here George." Evi says softly.

"He's not dad like this. And he's not going to wake up Mom." They all break down crying, Bailey, Meredith, Evi and Richard are saddened as well.

Bailey removes Mr. O'Malley's tube. The family says goodbye. The interns stand outside.

George leaves the room and everyone looks at him sadly.

The interns go off their separate directions.


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