Disclaimer and summary of characters

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Hey Guys, here is the disclaimer ( I know, disclaimers suck. I just don't want to get into trouble)
I DO NOT own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. As you Fairy Tail fans know, the great Hiro Mashima owns it. And for those who don't know who owns Fairy Tail, whitch I hope you do. Just kinda told you that. (Im also trying not to be rude) Well, its Hiro Mashima. Also I DO own this story, seen as how I wrote it. And I beg of you, please don't copy and then say that it is your own work.

Also Check out my BFITWWW's (Best Friend In The Whole Wide World's) profile by searching for Luna317 in the search box.

The two main female characters that you won't know:

Luna Dabria:

Magic: Mirror Magic (Allows her to permanantly learn and use other's magics)

Looks: Tall. Big chest. Hair: Middle length. Hair color: Dirty blond. Eye color: Dark brown. Wears dark revealing cloths.

Personality: Can be cocky and rude at times.

Family: Annala Dabria(sister)

Guild mark location and color: Left side of stumic, by naval. Navy blue witha red outlining.

Annala Dabria:

Magic: Water dragon slayer magic. VERY RARLY Storm dragon slayer (Combo of Water, Lightning and Sky dragon slayer magic)

Looks: Few inches shorter then Luna. Smaller chest then Luna. Hair color: Red with brown tips. Eye color: Greyish-blue. Wears all most the same outfit Len Kagamine wears that people call gay without the sleeves and the symbol on the back. Also the v-neck is not as low. (I DO NOT want any arguments wether if its ok to be gay. I personaly think that its ok to like the same gender and that they should be treated equaly. If you disagree with me, please keep it to your self.)

Personality: Loves to fight ocasionaly and sometimes aragant. Mostly on the nicer side.

Family: Luna Dabria(sister)

Guild mark location and color: Upper-middle of back. Black in color.

Btws I will probably have the first actual part to the story ether later today or tomorrow. P.S. I hope to hear feedback from you readers.

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