This feeling was crushed by the second Instagram post though. It showed Lucas and some blonde girl walking on the streets of New York City. So Julian didn't lie to me when he said that Lucas had left for New York yesterday when I was at the race track. That's when I also realised that Lucas hadn't replied to my text message from yesterday. Snake.

What I really didn't like though, was how close these two were. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders while holding an iced coffee in the other hand. Both of them were wearing sunglasses and caps, but that didn't stop them from showing their big and happy smiles. It seemed like Lucas made a joke and the girl was trying hard to laugh so he would be pleased. 

When I took a detailed look at the girl, I actually recognised her. It was Hailey, a six-foot-tall model with blonde hair and blue eyes, who Lucas knew since his childhood. They went to school together and grew up in the same neighbourhood in Los Angeles.

Lucas had introduced us one year ago or so, and she seemed nice but I knew she always fancied him. And the fact that he was now out with her, looking all happy and cosy with her in public, and completely ignoring my messages made my blood boil. And suddenly I wasn't feeling guilty about kissing Lando yesterday. 

After I had closed Instagram, I clicked on the chat with Fifi again. My hand meanwhile grabbed the key card from the nightstand and I walked towards the door of my room and left it. 

Fifi, 8:12
"So who are you dating right now?"

Tia, 8:12
"Well, Lucas of course. But I didn't know he left for New York yesterday because I was at the track and now he is ignoring me and is out with Hailey. So I guess I'm not sure what it is between us anymore."

I responded after I pressed the button for the elevator. The slow thing seemed to take forever to reach my floor, but I eventually got in and pressed the button for the ground floor. 

Fifi, 8:13
"Well, what about Lando? You look close."

Tia, 8:13
"Well, we had a moment yesterday after he won the race and we might even have kissed back at the hotel, but I said I couldn't because of Lucas, but now I'm not sure if I did the right thing."

Fifi, 8:14
"Well girl, you better figure it out soon. The internet is going crazy."

Tia, 8:14
"I know. I will. There is also more to the story, but I'll tell you when I'm back home, alright? Gotta run. Love ya."

The doors of the elevator finally opened up and I left the small metallic room. While pushing my phone into my pocket, I entered the breakfast hall and scanned the room. I hoped to see Lando, but he wasn't there. The only people I recognised were my managers, so I walked over to them and joined them at their table.

"Good morning.", I greeted them and was greeted back. I sat down and immediately poured myself a glass of water. When the waitress came and asked me what I wanted, I told her I was fine for the moment. I wasn't really hungry and I knew some scratchy comments would be made if I ordered food right now. Besides, I felt bad because of all the food I ate yesterday at the track with Pierre. 

My managers were eating their food in peace and had some conversations going on, but I didn't really listen. I opened Instagram once more after I sat down and scrolled through some more photos that showed Lucas and Hailey and the captions and comments that came with that. My mood dropped again, but I wasn't sad or hurt. I was mad.

My brain told me I should text or call him once more and trying to call him out for his latest actions. I knew I was done with being played. I knew I needed to change the way I let people treat me. And I was more than ready to do this. But I also told myself I needed to figure this entire situation out first. So I put down my phone again, without texting Lucas. My eyes scanned the breakfast hall as I continued to ignore my managers. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now