Chapter 4: The other half

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Null's POV

Few hours later

I have been walking in the streets trying to find a knight, my plan was to bring Baley to the Shirogane quarters and leave her there. Though I did say I will find her mother I need to go as soon as possible, and this kid. I sense a weird magic around her, its weak but her limiter, the only words I could describe it would be untamed.

While I was busy with my train of thoughts, Baley started to tug my sleeve.

Null: Yes?

Baley: Look! It's Mom

Baley started pointing at someone. It was a young woman that has red hair wearing a white shirt and has a pink apron on, she wears a peach colored skirt that reaches below her ankles. The woman then saw me and ran towards my direction. Well just my lucky day I thought as I feel Baley's hand let go of mine and ran towards the woman.

I smiled and decided to leave. My work here is done anyways, I though as I walked away and looked at Baley for one last time. And saw her walking happily with her mom, I smiled at myself as a memory popped into my mind.

It reminds me of her when she was little, but now, I don't even know where she is. I just hope that she's okay. I was gonna continue my previous mission when I saw a barn owl staring at me, I know birds stare but I feel like it's spying on me....

Maybe it's just my imagination. For now I'll lay low before the council discovers me.


While Null is walking away Baley and her mother went into an alleyway, and morphed back into their original forms.

Baelz: Easy as pie she then giggled to herself as she starts to walk

Baley was actually Baelz and her mother is none other than Fauna. Fauna then walks beside her as she transformed her floating golden apple into a wooden staff.

Fauna: Now, now Bae our job is still not done yet, we have to go report back to Sana and know whats next.

Baelz: Okay okay, ughhh this is such a paaiiin.

She grumbled as Fauna casts a portal to the Celestial Court.


As I walked further and further the scent started getting more stronger and stronger. That's good which means I'm getting closer, can't wait how's my other half doing.

As I walked into a street full of food stands. I noticed that there is a alot of food stands around here must be a market district. Suddenly I feel like someone bumped into me causing me to fall backwards.

???: Ahhhhh, sorry mister!

Null: Oooww, watch where you going next time.

???: Hey I said I'm already sorry!

I then looked up from where I was and the one who accidentally pushed me was a white heard girl with two horns , she has red eyes, and wears a red kimoni. I then stand up and brushed my self as I noticed that she has a faint smell of the person I am finding.

Null: May I know your name ma'am.

I asked as I want to know if she could lead me to my other half. She troubled as I asked that

???: Uhhmm... Well...

Null: Is there a problem?

???: A friend always reminded me that I should never reveal my name to strangers.

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