Chapter: 1 Lucky No. 7

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Seven's POV

6:46 pm

Seven: Tsk, there's nothing good to watch, all of the news are about celebrities, and bullshit.

I keep flipping channels to ease my boredom. Since I woke up so damn early my work is about another hour. And no other restaurant would open at this hour. I keep flipping channels until some news caught my attention.

Seven: hmm? This could be interesting...

I thought as I put the remote back at the coffee table. I then just start thinking about my life, how I could've done so much more and. Looking back at the past...

Wait... uhmm looking back at the past..
Looking back... Huh that's weird it's like I forgot what I was thinking of....

Seven: must not be important.

I say as I grab my phone and checked the time. It's 6:46, maybe I should prepare to go to work....

Naaaaaahh, I'll just chill a little. Gramps wouldn't mind. Seven then checked his phone and decided to take a little nap until...

Knock knock knock...

Seven: huh? Who might that be?

I grab the remote and turned of the TV and walked to door. I opened the door and looked outside.

Seven: wha-

I say before I was tackled down the ground.

???: Good morning Seven!!

I then looked at the person at my chest. And it was nothing other than my cheerful, and energetic neighbor Nakiri Ayame. A young oni girl with white hair and red eyes.

Seven: ...Good morning Aya-chan... Can you please get off me?

I say as I groan in pain, she always checks on me on the morning, often inviting me to join her with her morning exercises.

Which became my morning routine everyday in the morning, she may not look like it but she tackles like a foot ball player.

Ayame: hehehe, sorry Seven I was just excited...

Seven: Your always excited Aya-chan...

I say as I rub my head, Aya-chan was the first to knock at my door when I moved here, and ever since then she would come to my door and hang-out with me in the living room. I often invite her to eat dinner.

Ayame: Fufufu, so are you ready to join me with our daily jog?!

She says while doing a jogging-motion. A comically large sweat-drop appeared in my forehead as I sighed.

Seven: uhhm, sure I'll just wear my shoes first.

Ayame: Roger that!!

Seven: you could come inside if you want to. Don't want you waiting here.

Ayame: Hahaha! don't worry about me Seven I'll just wait here.

Seven: okay be back by a second.

I then closed the door and sighed

Seven: that girls tackles would be the death of me one day... Welp time to jog I guess.

I then grabbed my running shoes, and do some stretching. I then grabbed my phone and made sure that everything was turned off. I then pocketed the keys for my apartment and went outside.


Time skip

7:16 pm

sigh sigh...

Ayame: C'mon Seven you could do it!

Seven: sigh it's easy... sigh for you sigh to say...

Ayame: hehehe, if you don't keep up I'll leave you!

She says as she keeps jogging. I cant really keep up with this girl, what the hell does she eat to not get tired.

Imagine her drinking coffee. I shudder at thought of Aya-Chan drinking coffee.

As I looked at my surroundings everything was crowded of people, people with animalistic traits, demons, angels, and so on and so.

honestly you'd think this place was peaceful but nope.

Recently anomalies started attacking more frequently, mostly at small populated areas, let's not forget the violent protest and discrimination against unnatural folk, and the ongoing battle between the Shirogane knights and the rogue bandits.

Honestly this events put the civilians at the edge. And the patrol of knights have increased, maybe I should visit a certain knight...

Ayame: Seven!!

I then looked at Aya-chan and just smiled. Well despite everything that is happening in this world might as well live my life and hope for the best.

Seven: Im coming, geez can't a person catch his breath.

I then run towards Ayame still lagging behind but not to far behind.

I then remembered a girl standing in front of me, judging by the looks she is a young woman with brown hair tied up in a pony tail and two feathers at her hair. She wears a brown cape green in the inside and a black corset and maroon skirt, the rest is kinda blurry.

Huh, that's weird who is that girl? Is it just me or am I a high??? ______________________________________

??? POV

I opened my eyes and I looked around me, I am at this dead forest, this used to be so green and beautiful to bad it's a dead wasteland now. How would mother nature react?

Wait... I am awake which means my other half is starting to remember...I then start to chuckle to myself

???: Just you wait my friend I'll return.

I say as I grab something in my pocket and grabbed a small drawing of him and a little girl.

???: We will be reunited soon...

I then turned into black smoke as I smile.

Get ready world cause Null is back...


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