Chapter 66

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(Y/NS POV)//17TH JULY 2021//

My birthday was amazing and I even cried when I read and watched things fans sent. I was also super happy because by the end of the day Daniel seemed okay with Zach and I.

But today Zach and I are going to Hawaii. It was early, like really early. I woke up to my alarm. My boyfriends head in between my neck and the pillow. His arms tightly around me. Last night Zach and I spent at a hotel near the airport so we didn't have to wake up so early.

"Zachy?" I whine rolling over.

"Thank you princess." He says smirking as my boobs are in his face.

I giggle.

"Zach we have to get up." I say running my fingers through his hair.

"A few more minuets." He mumbles.

Zach pulls me closer to him and pulls my leg over his torso.

"Handsome we have to get up." I say.

"Whats the time?" He asks.

"It is 5:30." I say. "We need to be at the airport in half an hour."

Zach finally looks up at me.

"But baby." He pouts.

He also closes his eyes again.

"Dont you want to get to Hawaii, where I'm wearing a bikini?" I say innocently.

He smirks.

"That's mean." He says.

"Is it though?" I say.

He groans and rolls over onto his back.

"We get up now?" I smile.

"If I must." He chuckles.


Zach wakes me up and we stumble off the plane.

"We are here baby." He says as we step out of the airport.

"Yay." I smile. "Where are we going?"

"Wailea Beach Resort" He responds.

We both get into the rental car and drive to the resort.

"Want do you want to do?" I ask Zach.

"How about we go to the resort, get changed into shorts and our swimmers. Then we go out for lunch." He says.

I nod my head.


Zach and I are arriving at a beach. This morning has been so fun. We have started to tease fans, as we both took similar photos in the bathroom mirror and in mine you can see Zach's phone on my bench. Which has already had a reaction from fans.

"Zach?" We hear from a girl.

We both turn around and girl that looked very familiar looked at us. Zach's eyes widen.

"OmG Gabbie!" He yells hugging her.

A little girl comes from awhile back and it made Zach laugh. I felt like I knew them.

"Gabbie you wouldn't have met Y/N Seavey." Zach smiles.

"OMG." She smiles at me. "Your baby Seavey."

"Yeah I am." | say confused.

"Im Gabbie, this is Lavender." She said.

I instantly knew.

"Ohh it's so nice to meet you." I smile.

"Its so nice to meet you too." She says hugging me.

"So will I be seeing the others?" Gabbie asks.

"No it's just us." Zach says.

"Lavender you know Zach, don't be shy." Gabbie laughs.

Zach picks Lavender up.

"Lavender want to see my girlfriend?" Zach asks.

Lavender nods her head and Zach passes Lavender to me.

"Girlfriend?" Gabbie smiles.

"yep." I say.

"And Daniel's okay with it?" Gabbie laughs.

"He wasn't at first." Zach says.

"He beat him up." I say.

"Omg really?" She laughs.

"Yeah straight to the face." Zach says.

"Omg that's not funny." She says trying not to laugh.

"P-pretty. G-girl" Lavender says touching my hair.

"Aww, thank you. You're adorable." I smile.

"How's life?" Zach asks.

"It's great." She smiles.

"How about you?" She asks.

"Im good." Zach says.

"That's great!" She smiles.

We talk for a while and start to hang out.


Zach and I are in the hotel room. Today was so fun hanging out with Gabbie and her friends. All the little kids were so cute. I crawl onto Zach's lap.

"Yes?" He says putting his phone down.

"One day and I'm saying way into the future." I say. "Would you have kids with me?"

Zach gives me a look and then smiles.

"One day, I will happy have kids with you." He says.

"Really?" I smile.

"Of course, beautiful." He pulls me down to lay on his chest.

"Yay." I smile.

"Have you told jack?" I ask.

"Yeah I did, but you already know it's a touchy subject." Zach says.

"I know, should we have hang out with them?" I panic.

"No that's fine, he didn't mind." Zach says. "We just got to play nice."

"I know." I say. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now