Chapter 56

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(Y/NS POV)//20TH JUNE 2021//

I laughed so hard that night when Zach played beer pong. Him and Jack lost so they were both wasted by the end of it. I took him home in his car and spend the night. He was moody, one minute wanting cuddles the next the was stubborn and said he didn't mean me. Then he'd be attached to me. He was done he next morning but I had work so I couldn't stay with him. Today I got a call from Daniel to drop food off at the studio for him. I wasn't gonna go but then I realised it was chance to see Zach.

I get to studio and get out of my car.

"Hi Randy." I say coldly while walking in.

"Y/N." He says with a nod.

"Hey Jon." I smile.

"Hello Little Seavey." He smiles back.

I say to everyone else before I see Zach and Daniel talking.

"Hey boys." I smile.

"Y/N Seavey, what do we owe the pleasure?" Jonah says.

"Daniel's lunch." I say.

Daniel walks over to me.

"You know, you're my favourite sister." He smiles.

"I already know." I laugh.

"Thank you." He smiles.

I shake my head at him.

"Anyhoo, what are you all up to?" I ask.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Randy says.

"I'd think you find yourself talking to Y/N nicer if you want to stay here today." Zach says too Randy.

"Why is that?" Randy says.

"Zach's right have more respect for her." Jonah says.

"We are practicing today for lives." Corbyn says.

"Oo fun." I smile.

"You should stay Franny and Lera are coming any minuet." Daniel says.

"I wish I could but I got to get to Lillians place we are filming today." I say.

"Have fun." Jack says hugging me.

"Thanks Jacky. Bye guys." I say.

"Bye." They all wave.

"Wait Y/N." Zach yells as I'm walking out.

"Mm?" I answer turning around.

"Can you come look after Reese tonight?" Zach asks.

"Why?" Jonah asks. "She's your sister."

"I have a date with giggles tonight." Zach says.

"Sure what time?" I smile.

"How about 7:30?" Zach asks.

"Sounds great, I'll be over then." I say.

"When will you be back?" I ask.

"Well I properly spend the night at her house, um, and come straight here." Zach says pondering.

"Your gonna where the same thing twice?" Corbyn says giving him a look.

"No my giggles has heaps of my clothes." He says.

"Aww, of course she does." Jonah says pouting.

"You know you've never given us like a description, is she short?" Daniel asks.

"Tiny." Zach says. "About up to the middle of my chest."

"So your shirts are like dresses?" Jack laughs.

"Pretty much but she looks cute when she wears my clothes." Zach smiles.

The boys all aww.

"Sorry to leave you all but I got to go." I smile.

"Bye!" They all yell again and I head out to my car.


As I get out of the car I get a message.

Him🥺: don't worry beautiful I'll pick you up

Me: where are we going?

Him🥺: the movies, then back to yours

Me: okie dokie😊

Him🥺: have a good day beautiful I'll see you at 7:30 😘

Me: you to handsome! 😘😘

I put my phone down and walk into the house. Lillian smiles at me and hugs me.

"Hey!" She yells.

"Hey!" I yell back.

Katie and Adam come into the room and hug me.

"We thought you weren't coming." Adam laughs.

"I had to drop food off for Daniel on my way over." I say.

"Best Sister Award." Katie laughs.

We all laugh too.

"Okay you ready to film?" Adam announces.

"Of course!" All us girls yell.

We all go and sit down. Adam turns the camera on.

"Hey guys!" We all yell.

"Welcome back to the channel or to the channel. Im Adam and these are the power puff girls!" Adam says.

"Today we all going to be answering more of your questions." Lillian says.

"A lot of you have many questions, and follow up questions from past videos." I say. " and todays the day we answer them."

"Okay first questions! Relationships!" Katie yells.

"2 years with my boyfriend." Lillian smiles.

"I just got a boyfriend." Adam blushes.

"We have all met him and he is great." I add.

"I'm talking with someone." Katie says.

"Oooo." We all smile.

"Y/N?" They all say.

"5 months with my boyfriend." I smile.

"Should we discuss sex?" Adam asks.

"I can't contribute to that." I laugh.

"We know." Katie says putting an arm around me.

We all laugh before continuing to answer questions.


I was in the kitchen when the front door opened. I see Zach come around the corner.

"Hey cutie." He smiles.

"Hey hottie." I smile

He comes over and gives me a kiss.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"It was good, how was yours?" He says hugging me tightly.

"It was good." He says. "Best part when I saw you."

He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"Hey Zach, didn't know you were here." My mom says coming downstairs.

"Hey Keri." He smiles. "How are you?"

"Im great thank you, how are you?" She asks.

"That's good, I'm good." Zach smiles.

"You two going out tonight?" Mom asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Have fun." She smiles.

"Thank you." We smile.

"I'll see you when we get back." She smiles before going outside. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now