Chapter 61

911 11 1

(Y/N'S POV)//14TH JULY 2021//

I was dancing with my friends when Franny and Lera come up to me frantically.

"Y/N you need to come outside!" Lera yells.

"Why wants going on?" I ask.

"Daniel's beating up Zach." Franny says.

My heart drops and I push people out of my way.

"Sorry!" I yell getting outside.

Zach's pinned to the ground, Daniel punching him. My heart drops. Tears fill my eyes.

"Omg!" I yell.

The boys trying to break it up but can't Daniel pushes them away too.

"Daniel get off of him!" I yell.

I started to cry.

"Daniel get yo ass off him!" Fran yells.

"Corbyn do something!" Lera yells.

Zach manages to get Daniel on his back.

"Daniel I'm not letting you up till you calm down." Zach says.

"Oh let me call giggles for you or should I say my sister!" Daniel yells.

"Y/N is giggles!" Jonah yells confused.

"Yes yes she is." Daniel snarls.

"Daniel calm down." Zach says again.

Daniel stops squirming and Zach get off him. Zach sits against the wall, catching his breath. I run to his side.

"Zach are you okay?" I cry.

"Hey, beautiful I told Daniel." He says wiping blood from his lip.

"Daniel we are leaving." Franny says sternly.

"So you're okay with Zach and Y/N, Franny?" Daniel says sternly.

"Daniel Seavey, you're over reacting." Fran says.

"Daniel get your ass in the car before I beat you up!" Franny yells.

"Y/N you know mom and dad aren't going to be happy with you. No one is!" He yells at me.

"And Zach get ready to leave the band." He says.

Franny walks over to me and Zach.

"Im sorry guys, call me tomorrow." Franny says.

"Bye bye Franny." I say.

They leave and I look at my injured boyfriend.

"Zach, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I cry.

"Don't cry baby, this isn't your fault." He says kissing my head.

"Why didn't you hit him back?" Jack says.

"I didn't want to hurt him." Zach says.

'Are you dumb, if someone if hitting you, you hit back." Jack shakes his head.

"I'll go get ice." Jonah says.

"So you two hey?" Corbyn chuckles.

"Yes this is my girlfriend." Zach smiles at me.

"Why are you smiling, my brother just beat the shit out of you." I say.

"I told you I'm okay." He says.

"Why the hell did we just see Daniel being dragged out but Franny?" Christian says.

He is followed by Anna, Tyler, Nezza, Crawford, Ashley, and Ava. Ryan afterwards. Then my friends.

"Oh Daniel didn't not like it did he?" Ryan says.

"Okay, okay, Umm, I don't know how to say this with you you guys killing Zach but my boyfriend is Zach." I say.

"Holy shit!" Christian yells with a smile.

"Your joking?" Anna smiles.

"Thank god." Tyler says looking up.

"Naww!" Ashley and Ava say.

"You guys are so cute!" Nezza says.

"You guys aren't mad?" I gulp.

"Mad? Us mad?" Tyler says.

"Of course we aren't mad." Anna says.

"I mean Daniel is a different story." Christian says.

"I got the ice!" Jonah yells.

He gives it to Zach.

"Y/N are you okay?" Zach asks.

"I didn't just get beat." I say.

"No, I know but you know what I mean." He says.

"Out of all people, I thought maybe Daniel would be happy. You know Reese I knew would be. But I thought Daniel would see us and he'd change his mind." I say tears filling my eyes.

"He'll come around Y/N." Lillian says.

"I'm sure you just need to talk to him." Jack says. "After all he didn't hear the best part."

"What did he hear?" I ask.

"Nothing." Zach says looking down quickly.

"You didn't." I say. "You were talking about that?!"

I say eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, I had to tell someone and I thought I could tell Jack." He says.

"I guess I have told some people." I say looking down.

"Who?" He asks.

"Hey Zach." Adam winks.

"Seriously?" He chuckles.

"I know." Lillian says.

"And me." Katie says.

"well Y/N Seavey you're a kisser and teller." Zach says jokingly.

"Says you telling Jack." I say.

"Okay who cares who told who." Jack says.

"I'll clear out the party." Crawford says.

"We will help." Corbyn says.

Most of the boys head inside and start to get people to go home. Zach stands up slowly.

"I think my side is broken." He groans.

"I'm sure you're fine." Tyler says.

"Let's get you upstairs." I say.

Soon everyones leaving and Zach's sitting in my bed.

"You know I hate to be forward to my sisters boyfriend but Zach take your shirt off." Anna says.

We all laugh. Zach takes his shirt off and thankfully he only have a few bruises. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now