Chapter 45

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(ADAM'S POV)//14TH APRIL 2021//

I got clearance from Y/N and Zach to react to this relationship coach about them. They said as long as I deny, deny and deny, no one can know. I will, Y/N and Zach are the cutest couple I've seen. Todays their two months together so they are celebrating today.

I turn on my camera.

"Hello guys! And Welcome Back!" I yell.

"Today I'm by myself as you can see but the video I'm reacting to involves my best friend." I continue.

"Thats right, I heard all you're requests and today we are watching 'Relationship Coach reacts to Zach Herron and Y/N Seavey." I say.

"Now a quick disclaimer the two aren't dating, they are dating different people, I was told this video is persuading heaps of people they are dating so I'm gonna see his points and see if he persuades me." I say so no one thought they were dating.

"So let's get into it!" I say and click play.

"Hello guys, I'm dan the relationship coach and welcome to the channel." A man says.

"In my last video I asked you all for a some evidence on people dating and I got heaps of stuff for Y/N Seavey and Zach Herron.' Dan says.

"Okay so he is reacting to it too, but I guess going to be taking hints or something?" I say to my camera.

"For starters I wanted to tell you all that if you are new and are here because these names attracted you that they might not actually be dating this is just stuff fans have sent me with descriptions of images and connections to each other." Dan says. " So if you don't like something don't hate on these two or even me because this is for entertainment purposes."

I pause the video.

"This man is very respectful." I say. "I already like that."

"Lets start." Dan says.

"This first thing I do is see who the two are and if we know they know each other." Dan says.

"Y/N Seavey is the youngest of 5 and is turning 17 years old this year." Dan says. "Zach Herron is the oldest of 3 and is turning 20 very soon, so happy birthday man."

"Now how might they know each other? Well Zach Herron is a band with Y/N's older brother Daniel Seavey called Why Don't We. And alot of you said Y/N is very close to the Herron family and looks after Zach's little sister Reese all the time." Dan says.

"Okay I like how he has done his back ground research and asked fans about them. I think that shows he is interested and not just doing this for views." I say.

"This is the first video, someone sent me it's of the Why Don't We band talking about siblings." Dan says.

A video plays of the boys talking about Y/N. It was about her panic attacks and how Zach helped with that. It seemed like two years old.

"Okay this video is little bit old, before the band went on a break I believe . But if you don't understand, Y/N deals with Anxiety and heart problems which is why she has lived in Washington with her grandparents since 2017. Daniel says his sister used to confined in Zach when having panic attacks and Zach would get mad at paparazzi for filming them." Dan says.

"To me this means Y/N feels safe around Zach, he makes her feel comfortable and enjoyed just being with Zach. It also shows Zach's protective of her whether that's still the case or not. But I did ask some limelight (fans of why don't we) and they told me Y/N moved back to LA in the beginning of 2020." Dan says.

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