Chapter 14

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(ZACHS POV)//17TH JUNE 2020//

Jack was in my house lecturing me after yesterday.

"Good job man. Beat up her boyfriend and then go fuck Kay. What could possibly go wrong?!" He yells at me.

"Jack stop I'm being serious." I say to him.

"What even happened? You two were talking and then you were fighting." Jack asks.

"I don't really know." I say.

"You don't know? What the fuck is going on Zach? Don't lie to me." Jack says pointing to me.

"Jack I said stop, just stay out of it!" I yell at him.

I pick up my phone. I meant to ring Y/N last night but for obvious reasons I never got around to it. I dial her number and wait for her to pick up. Jack sat on my bed shaking his head.

"Hey Zach, what do you want?" She says answering the phone.

She sounded mad.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday." I say. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay. Can you please tell me two things?" She asks.

"Anything you want to know." I say, regretting it.

"Who threw the first punch?" She asks.

I close my eyes. She sounded so serious.

"I did." I say taking a big breath.

"Why?" She asks.

"He was saying stuffed I didn't agree with." I say it wasn't totally lying.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Just stuffed I wasn't fond of him saying." I say looking at Jack.

He was shaking his head.

"That's not an answer Zach, tell me what he was saying?" She says sternly.

"Y/N I'm not telling you that." I say just as stern.

"Why?" She argues.

"Cause you love him." I say.

I felt angry. How could she love him?

"Fine if you don't want to tell me, goodbye." She says.

She hangs up on me. I turn to Jack.

"Good job you just made her ten times angrier." Jack claps.

I sit on my bed.

"I can't tell her what he said, I know what it would do to her." I say softly.

"Zachary Dean Herron you like Y/N Y/M/N Seavey." Jack says looking at me.

"I don't-" I argue but he cuts me off.

"You do, whether you wanna admit it or not. You do, it's obvious to me." He says standing up.

"I'm going home but call me tonight." Jack says grabbing his stuff and leaving my room.

I lay back on my bed. I didn't like Y/N, I just cared about her.


I hang up from Zach and walk back into Adams house. I was so angry. Why wouldn't he just tell me what happened?

"What's wrong?" Katie asks me.

"It's just Zach." I say sitting back down.

"What about him?" Adam asks.

"You know how yesterday I took Liam to Jonah's birthday party." I say to them.

"Yeah, what happened?" Lillian says concerned.

"I told Zach and Liam what ever was going on between and to stop. I went to get a drink and in the two minutes I left them alone I turned around and they were beating each other up." I say.

"What? Why?" Lillian asks.

"I don't know, neither of them will tell me and they both have different stories." I say to her.

"Oh Y/N, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Katie says smiling at me.

"I just don't know what to do with them, they're are both so important in my life and they can't be left alone together." I say shaking my head.

"Y/N sweetie, they'll get along one day." Adam says to me. "If not I'll marry Zach."

We all laugh. Adam had a crush on Zach, even though he knew damn well Zach didn't like him like that. Zach likes Adam as a friend nothing more. We continue to talk and hangout, I was just trying to push yesterday far away in my head. I can't keep thinking about that.

//18TH JUNE 2020//

I was doing school. Homeschooling. I had just finished so I walked downstairs. I see Zach standing in my kitchen. I give him a look.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I'm just here." He chuckles. "I got you some food."

He puts my favourite fast food on the bench. I sit down and start to eat. He leaves again the bench on the other side of the kitchen island.

"How's school?" Zach asks.

"It's okay, boring." I say not looking at him.

"Y/N look I'm so sorry." He says.

"I don't care." I shrug my shoulders.

"You do, I know you do." He says leaning on the kitchen island in front of me.

"I don't." I give him a strong look.

"Okay if you say so." He says looking away.

I continue to ear trying to ignore his presences in my house.

"Guess what we are doing this afternoon?" He smiles at me.

"What?" I say unenthusiastic as possible.

"I'm teaching you to drive." He says placing keys in front of me.

I shake my head. I'm to scared to drive. I have been for years.

"No, nope, no thank you." I say pushing the keys to him.

"Come on Y/N, it'll be fun." He says giving me a look. "I'll be there the whole time."

"I-i-I don't know." I say putting my rubbish away.

"Your birthdays almost a month away, come on it'll be so fun." He says looking at me.

"I don't know Zach, I've never driven before." I say shaking my head.

"Exactly why I'm teaching you. Take it as my I'm really sorry I hate your boyfriend gift." He chuckles.

I giggle a bit. He also eased my stresses.

"I guess." I say with a small smile.

"Good come on, I stole my moms car to teach you." He says grabbing the keys and rushing to the front door.

"Does my brothers know?" I ask.

"They asked me to teach you. Said you'd be more comfortable with me then anyone." He says.

He was right. I would be ten minutes more comfortable with him, then my brothers.

"Come on, I know the perfect place to teach you." He says opening the door.

I follow him outside and we get into Myta car. We start to drive away and I take a deep breath. I wasn't driving yet but my nerves where creeping in.

I will admit though that afternoon was actually super fun. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora