Chapter 29

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(Y/NS POV)//20TH DECEMBER 2020//

Today was the day I had my second "date" thing with Zach. I didn't know if I was a date or not but I was treating it like one. I was super excited about it.

I walk downstairs dressed in my clothes. I was going to Katie's to get picked up again it was easier that way. As I get to the kitchen I see my grandparents.

"Hey Nan, hey pop." I smile.

"Hey kiddo!" They yell.

They both hug me.

"What are you doing here?" I smile as we pull away.

"We are here for Christmas!" My Nan yells.

"Really?!" I was now super happy.

"Yeah of course we are." My pop chuckles.

"Yay!" I smile.

They sit down and I give them a look.

"What's wrong dear?" My nan asks.

"I had plans with friends now before I knew you were here." I say kind of softly. "But I can stay."

"No, no, no! Go and have fun!" My pop laughs.

"Really!?" I smile.

"Yes!" My Nan laughs.

"Have a lovely time." She smiles.

"I will, I'll be back later." I say running to the door.

"Bye!" I yell.

Everyone yells bye to me and I get into my car and drive to Katie's house. I smile as I pull into the drive way, as I see Zach's car already there.

I walk into the house and see Zach talking to the others.

"Sorry I'm late." I say.

"All good, Adam's telling us about this guy." Zach smiles.

I walk over and Zach wraps his arm around me. I hug him back.

"Are you happy?" Zach asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"I heard your grandparents are up." He smiles.

"How'd you know?" I say shocked.

""Daniel told me." He says.

I laugh and I say hi to my friends.

"Hey guys." I smile.

"Hey girl!" They yell.

I laugh.

"So who's the guy?" I ask Adam.

"This hottie came into work yesterday and god Damn Y/N." He says jaw dropped.

"That good hey?" I ask with a little laugh.

"Y/N if you saw him you'd wish he was straight." Adam says.

I laugh nodding my head.

"If you say so." I say.

"Y/N I have a question for you?" Lillian asks me.

"Yeah?" I say looking at her.

"Have you actually watched after 1 and 2 fully yet?" Lillian asks.

"God no." I say shaking my head.

"You should, those movies are omg." Katie says giving me eyes.

I shake my head at her.

"Not my kind of movie." I laugh.

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now