Chapter 44

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(MYTA'S POV)//10th APRIL//

Since Keri and I found out we've noticed so much about Y/N's and Zach's relationship. How they sneak around, Y/N stealing his hoodies, how often hey go out together and how happy they are. Our last night in Utah Keri and I were so surprised about how angry Zach got with the waiter for flirting with Y/N. It was adorable to us. On Daniel's birthday a girl started to flirt with Zach and Y/N had the complete seperate reaction, so went to her room upset but told everyone she was tired. Zach disappeared for a while. Jack said he found them cuddling on Y/N's bed asleep, still in their clothes. It was so cute to us, their relationship.

Today Keri was over at my place while Y/N was with her 'friends' and Zach was with 'Jack'.

"He literally came downstairs with the biggest smile on his face." I smile.

"Naw, she came downstairs with his shirt on and a big smile." Keri says.

"Look at this video her friends did." Keri smiles.

"Ooo," I say.

The title read "Is bubbles still innocent?" With Y/N in the middle, her friends around her with surprised faces.

"Can we watch it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I haven't watched it yet." She says.

We start the video and mirror it to the tv.

"Hello everyone! And welcome back to the channel!" Adam yells excitedly.

"Im here with the power puff girls, and we are going to be answering your guys questions about us." Adam says as all the girls come into the film.

They all sit down and smile.

"Guys these are your questions, you want to know about the girls and I." Adam says.

Adam unlocks his phone and smiles.

"First question, Why do we call Y/N bubbles?" Adam asks.

They all laugh.

"They call me bubbles because I haven't done half the stuff they have." Y/N says.

"Guys here's secret Y/n's a virgin." Katie whispers to the camera.

They all laugh.

"Is Lillian dating anyone?" Y/N asks taking the phone from Adam.

"I am dating someone, his name is Riley." Lillian smiles.

//5 Minuets later//

"Who has the best break up story and whats the story?" Katie says.

They all look to Y/N.

"I would Y/N's." Lillian says.

"Me too." Adam says.

"Y/N tells us about your break up with the dick head." Katie smiles.

"Okay so a while back now, I was dating a guy who I thought loved me and cared about me a lot. He was cheating on me and one of my favourite people ever knew about it and actually tried to tell me but I didn't listen. It was true, he was sleeping with my brothers best friend's girlfriend actually, which I find kinda funny." Y/N says.

"Anyway, one day the girls came running into my house and told me that he was cheating and Lilliana and Riley had caught him. But Jack Avery came to the house to get Daniel because Zach beat up my ex but a boyfriend of a girl he had a past with um broke all of him." She laughs.

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now