Chapter 16

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(ZACHS POV)//4TH JULY 2020//

Finally the ambulance arrives for Y/N. They start to talk to her but she doesn't respond. I look around when I see Kay kissing Liam! I roll my eyes and clench my wrists. I go to walk over there when Lillian stops me.

"Dont, you know exactly how she'd react." She says to me.

"But it's my girlfriend he is kissing." I say to her.

"Zach if she wakes up and hears you beat him up again, you're dead meat." Lillian argues.

"I'll take my chances." I walk over to Liam and Kay.

"Wow, you two seem to be having fun." I say crossing my arms.

"Oh I'm sorry Zach do I have both your girls?" Liam chuckles.

Kay just smirks kissing Liam's neck. I pull her off him and step in front.

"Are you aware your girlfriend has fainted over there!?" I yell at him.

"So what she does it all the time, she wakes up eventually." Liam says crossing his arms.

"She's fainted with you before?" I ask.

"A lot actually, she's always complaining until she drops. I find it best to leave her till she wakes up." Liam says.

"Do you tell anyone?" I ask.

"No not really, she's fine she wake ups." He says.

I clench my wrists, when I remember how she'd react. I look over to her, she had woken up. She turns and looks at me and shakes her head.

"You bette be glad she woke up." I say to him.

I start to walk over and stand with everyone.

"So Y/N we are gonna take you to hospital now, to do some checks on why you keep passing out." The paramedic says.

Every nods there head and watches Y/N and Daniel leave with them. Lillian comes over to me.

"What happened over there? You looked pissed." She says.

Katie and Adam come over too.

"Apparently Y/N passes out with Liam a lot. He never tells anyone." I say crossing my arms looking at him talking to my girlfriend.

"Wait he doesn't even call for help?" Adam says shocked.

"No, he says she always wakes up so there's no reason to." I say to him.

"What a fucking bitch."" Katie snarls. "I don't like him, I just wish Y/N would find a different guy."

"Don't we all." Lillian agrees.

"Should we tell Christian, Anna and Tyler about it?" Lillian asks me.

"Yeah, we should." I say turning to the others.

We tell Christian, Anna and Tyler. They were shocked and mad.

"Don't be mad at her though." I say to them.

"Yeah I mean she never remembers passing out." Adam follows.

"We aren't mad at her, we are mad at him." Anna snarls.

"Has she ever passed out with you guys?" Tyler asks them.

"She's only done it once, and we told Keri and called an ambulance." Katie says.

"Yeah I know that." Christian says.

"Okay, I'm glad you guys are her friends." Tyler says to Lillian, Adam and Katie.

Everyone starts to help pack up when Anna pulls me away.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Have you found the car?" She whispers.

"I have." I smile.

"Good, we are having a big birthday party for her on her birthday." Anna claps.

"Oh cool." I say.

"Yeah but what we want to do is when she goes to get her permit in the morning afterwards we thought you'd be out the front with the car." Anna asks

"I can do that." I say.

"Thank you Zach, you're a life saver." She smiles at me.

"Meh don't mention it." I chuckle.

We share a smile before we continue to clean up. All I could think about was Y/N passing out with Liam. What if she passed out and didn't wake up? What would he do then? He probably wouldn't care? He'd just let her lay there for hours before calling someone.

What if she passed out and didn't wake up? What if she passed out and I never saw her again? What if she died?

I didn't realise I was standing still thinking.

"You good bro?" Jack asks me.

I jump a little. I was so engrossed in my thoughts.

"Y-yeah." I say.

"what's happened with Liam?" He asks.

I tell him everything and Jack was mortified.

"Your kidding right?" He says shocked.

"No I'm not, I'm telling you Jack he doesn't care about her." I say snarling at the boy still flirting with Kay.

"Well maybe if Y/N realised someone else cared about her then he wouldn't be around anymore." Jack says looking at me.

"I don't like her for god sake." I roll my eyes.

"If you say so." Jack chuckles.

//15TH JULY//

Y/N got out of hospital on the 6. They found out her heart was causing the fainting. Due to irregular heart beats and lack of blood. They said it was something most people like her have and unless she is passed out for more than 5 minutes or hit her head she shouldn't need to call an ambulance. The day after she got out of hospital I caught Liam and Kay sleeping together. Of course I wasn't mad at Kay, us sleeping with other people is completely normal but Liam. I wanted to break him right there. I didn't though, I just warned him. Next time I catch him he is done for.

Today was supposed to be super happier. It was Y/N's 16th birthday. Tonight there was going to be a party at Daniel's and Christian's house with all her friends. I was looking forward to it. Right now I was waiting outside a service centre while Y/N was taking a test for her permit. Her family was inside. I was leaning against the car she wanted. Took a little bit to find it but once I found it I bought it straight away.

She passed!

I get from Daniel. I smile pushing my phone into my back pocket.

"Do you wanna drive home?" Keri asks as they walk out.

"Okay." She smiles.

"How about in your new car?" I say.

She turns quickly to me, her eyes widen.

"No way?!" She squeals.

"Happy birthday!" I yell.

She runs to me and I hug her tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She smiles.

"Happy birthday kiddo." I smile down at her.

We pull away and she thanks her family too. I give her the keys and we both get inside. Anna and Daniel get in the back seat.

"I've never been in a car with your driving?" Anna says.

"You shouldn't be scared." I say.

"I'm not that bad." Y/N giggles.

We start to drive home and she was so happy which made me happy. 

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