Chapter 60

911 10 2

(Y/NS POV)//14th JULY 2021//

Soon everyone starts to arrive and I was extremely happy to see everyone.

"Happy birthday!" Jack yells as he enters.

"Thank you Jacky." I smile.

We share a hug.

"Also happy 6 months." He says quietly to me,

"Thank you Jacky." I smile.

He walks inside and then my brothers come, also Anna and Franny. Lera close behind.

"Hey sis!" They all yell.

My brothers say hi and keep walking. Franny hugs me tightly, then Lera.

"Happy birthday beautiful." They smile.

"Thank you guys." I smile.

"Also happy 6 months." Franny winks.

I choke.

"What?" I ask.

The two smile and walk further into the party.

I start to walk around and have fun with all my friends.

"So is mystery boy here?" Jonah asks me as I enter the kitchen.

"Well you'd be surprised." I smile.

"So is he?" Jonah asks laughing.

"Maybe he is maybe he isn't." I giggle.

"Oh he is!" Jonah says nudging me. "I guess I'll keep my eye out for unfamiliar face."

"Keep looking." I say.

He walks away and I laugh. That's when arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey handsome." I giggle.

"Hey Beautiful." Zach says kissing my cheek. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah, are you?" I ask.

"Good, I'm having fun, I'd have more fun if you'd put some clothes on." He says giving me eyes.

"Zach." I say giving him eyes.

"Im just saying." He says.

"But I thought you like them?" I pout.

"I do like them for me, when people aren't around, when you don't have a shirt on." He smirks.

I giggle and blush.

"If you know they're yours then why would I give them to someone else?" I ask.

"Someone people don't know what no means." He says kissing my cheek.

"Like you when I sleep in nothing but your shirt?" I ask.

"I can't help my hand slips up there during the night." He winks.

I giggle and shake my head.

"Hey Y/N!" Katie says coming over to us.

"Hey Katie." I smile.

"You sure you two want to be standing like this right now?" She laughs.

"Your right, I'm gonna go find Jack." Zach says kissing my cheek.

"Bye bye." I say as he walks off.

"How's life Y/N?" Katie asks.

"Good, how's yours?" I ask.

"I'm good. So this is a 6 month party or is it 17th birthday party?" Katie asks.

"Kind of both." I smile.

"Did he get you anything?" Katie asks.

"He said it's a mix between my birthday and anniversary, so he's not giving it to me till tomorrow." I say.

"Do you have any idea what it is?" She asks.

"Nope." I laugh.

"Come on then, let's go dance!" She says taking my hand.


I'm talking to jack outside.

"How was your day?" Jack asks.

"It was good." I say.

"You'll never guess what happened this morning?" I say.

"What?" Jack asks.

"We told Reese and Ryan." I smile.

"Really? How'd they react?" he asks very interested.

"Reese was over the moon, Ryan said Daniel would kill me and if he didn't and Ryan found out I ever hurt Y/N he'd kill me." I laugh.

Jack laughs.

"I can't believe it's been 6 months." Jack says looking at my dancing girlfriend.

"Yeah, has been the best 6 months of my life." I smile at her.

"Im gonna be honest with you because you've waited too long, the longer you wait to tell Daniel the more mad he's gonna be." Jack says.

"Welp, I have legs, I can run." I chuckle.

"She thinks Franny and Lera knows." I say.

"They would have told you guys if they knew." Jack says.

"Yeah you're right." I respond.

"You guys still haven't?" Jack asks.

"No." I say. "I don't want to push her."

"Oh come on, you're telling you don't think about it." He asks.

"I mean sure I think about it." I say.

I look around no one I was scared of around.

"Jack?" I say.

"Mm?" He responds.

"I we haven't done it yet but we've done stuff." I say taking a drink.

Jacks eyes widen.

"Your joking?" Jack chokes.

I shake my head.

"Like you did stuff?" Jack asks.

"Yeah I did stuff but she's done stuff." I smirk.

"Your joking, Y/N Seavey has sucked you off?" Jack chuckles.

I nod my head and smirk.

"You've seen her naked?" Jack says eyes widened.

"Most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I smirk and wink at him.

"Excuse me?!" We hear.

I turn and see a hot headed Daniel.

"Hey Dani." I say hopping he didn't hear anything.

He steps closer to me.

"You've seen my sister naked?" Daniel says.

"What no." I deny.

"So she hasn't seen your dick? And you didn't just say she sucked it?" Daniel looked pissed.

"Daniel it's a joke." I say.

"Let me guess, your plan is to sleep with her and break up with her?" He says.

My back hits the wall.

"Daniel you good bro?" Corbyn yells.

"Im not gonna hurt her." I say.

"So you are? You are dating my sister!?" He yells punching me to the ground.

"Jesus Christ!" Jack yells. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now