Chapter 33

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(Y/NS POV)//14TH JANUARY 2021//

The beginning of the year has been really fun. Adam has started a YouTube channel which the girls and I appear on a lot. I've even gone public online. It used to scare me but I know how to handle that hate now.

I was looking after Reese when Ryan comes inside.

"What's wrong buddy?" I ask as he huffs down next to me on the couch.

"I'm so done Y/N." He says rubbing his face.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Girls man!" He complains.

Reese and I both give him a look crossing our arms.

"Not you two, you know I love you two." He says with a scared smile.

"You better." Reese says narrowing her eyes.

We talk with Ryan for a while about all his girl troubles. I had to try not to laugh. He was overreacting.


The rest of my family enters the house, along with Josh and Myta. We are all here to watch the lunch of the boys new album at midnight. We can't be at the actual house because of COVID but we are super excited to watch them release their album.

"Hello everyone!" Myta smiles.

"Hello!" I smile.

"So who's ready to watch this album go live?" My dad asks.

"I am." Josh smiles.

We have all listened to snippets of the songs but none of us have heard the whole album. So this was pretty exciting.

I was helping Myta cook food when my phone started to ring.


It was Zach. I changed his name a while back just incase he called me around people. I thought Him fit him the best.

"Who's calling you?" Mom asks.

"Him?" Myta says confused.

"It's Adam." I lie.

I walk away and answer the phone.

"Hey!" I smile.

"Hello giggles." Zach answers.

He calls me giggles all the time and it always makes me giggle.

"Are you excited?" I ask sitting down.

"So excited." He chuckles. "How about you?"

"I'm super excited to hear the album." I smile.

"I can't wait for you to hear the album Y/N." I could hear how excited he was.

"I can't believe it's coming out now." He says.

"Well your baby's out now Zach." I giggle.

He chuckles.

"Are you guys staying the night at my place?" He asks.

"Yeah we are." I say. "But you're gonna be there."

"I know, I'm not gonna get any sleep." He says chuckling.

"Could you do me a favour?" He asks.

"What's up?" I answer.

"When I get home tomorrow afternoon can you be there?" I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"I can be." I smile. "What about your family?"

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now