"Oh thank you guys, I'll give you a shout out." I smile.

"Thank you!" They all hug me before running off.

I sit back down, I was smiling.

"Y/N has fans?" Anna says.

"Get it girl!" Ashley smiles.

"They were so sweet." I smile.

"Can't believe they actually watch your videos?" Ryan teases.

"Oh come on." I laugh.

"Did I hear bikini video?" My mom smiles.

Her eyes twitching between Zach and I.

"Yeah, it's what we did today." I smile.

"I bet your boyfriend will love that." Zach says in a stern voice.

"Oh he might not be so happy with me." I say winking at him.

After everyone was done eating Zach's hand was on my leg. Everyone was talking to each other and having a great time.

"Y/N guess what?" Reese says quietly.

"What?" I whisper back.

"I think I know who your boyfriend is." She says secretly.

Zach heard and moved his hand off my leg.

"I think it's Adam." Reese says.

Ryan chokes on his drink.

"Reese it's not Adam." Ryan says.

"How do you know?" She says turning to Ryan.

"Reese Adam isn't interested in me like that." I say.

"Why you're pretty and smart?" She says.

"Reese Adam isn't interested in any girl." I say.

"Oh he is a boy lover?" Reese asks.

"Very much." I say.

"Oh then who is it?" She asks.

"I can't tell you, it's my secret." I say.

"That's mean, I'm your best friend." Reese complains.

"Reese no one knows who he is." I say.

"Oh that's okay then." She says nodding.

I smile and I see Adam walk in.

"Y/N Gorgeous Seavey." Adam says walking over to us.

I smile and stand up.

"Hey sexy." I laugh.

He hugs me tightly when a guy walks in behind him.

"Who's this?" I ask intrigued.

"This is James." He says giving me a smile.

"James this is my best friend Y/N." Adam says.

"Nice to meet you." He says putting his hand out.

"Nice to meet you too." I say shaking his hand.

"You look wonderful." He says. "I love that dress."

"Thank you so much." I smile. "You look amazing too, I love those shoes."

He puts his hand on his heart.

"Thank you so much." He says. "I'll get food bae."

He walks off and Adam looks at me.

"He is perfect." Adam says.

"He seems it." I smile.

"Come say hi." I say.

He walks over and say hi to everyone.

"Oh come on Zach give me a hug." Adam smiles.

Zach stands up and they share hug.

"Happy birthday." Adam says.

"Did you get any fun birthday presents?" Adam says nudging him.

"No she wouldn't take her clothes off." Zach says jokingly.

"I told you to tie her down." Adam laughs.

"Im only joking." Adam laughs.

They both laugh.

"Well I better get back to my date." Adam smiles.

"Yeah, have a good night." Zach says.

"I will." Adam winks.

He starts to walk away before turning around.

"Y/N?" He says.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"You coming to Katie's tomorrow?" Adam asks.

"Yep, I'll see you then." I smile.

"Great, love you!" He says.

"Love you too." I smile. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now