"You let me deal with that, just when I message you tomorrow afternoon be ready." He says.

"I will be." I smile.

"Great, I've got to go." He says with a little groan.

"Okay, have fun." I say.

"You too, I'll text you after the release." He says.

"Zach don't worry about texting me have fun be with the boys." I say shaking my head.

"I will be with the boys but I got to know what you think of the album." He says.

"I will not be responding, I'll be dancing to the album." I giggle.

"I'm sure you will be." He chuckles.

"Bye bye." I say.

"Bye giggles." He says.

We hang up and I head out to everyone else with a smile on my face.

(ZACHS POV)//12:30//

The album is out! We are all celebrating and on call with our families. This was such a big moment for us and I'm so glad I get to do it with my best friends.

"Dude look our sisters." Daniel says putting his arm around me.

He shows me a video of my sister and Y/N dancing to I'll Be Okay.

"They are dorks." I laugh.

"We love em doe." Daniel laughs.

I nod my head and chuckle. We all start to dance, when I'm alone finally I text Y/N.

Me: This is awesome!

Giggles😊: I love these songs! They are all so good!

I chuckle and smile. What I didn't realise was Jack was leaning over my shoulder.

"Does she like look at me?" He scares me.

"Jesus Christ!" I yell.

"Sorry dude didn't mean to scare you." Jack laughs.

"Now, ask, do you like look at me? And then putting the smirking face emoji." Jack says pointing to my phone.

"I'm not doing that." I roll my eyes.

"Why? It might start some relations." Jack says giving me eyes.

"No Jack, I don't want that." I say shaking my head.

"Wait are you saying no to sex?" Jack asks shocked.

"Jack seriously." I give him a look.

"Zachary Dean Herron I've never known you to say no to relations with a girl, whether that be making out or full nakedness." Jack says eyes wide.

"Jack this isn't what this is." I say looking at my phone.

Me: what's your favourite song?


I laugh shaking my head.

Giggles😊: but I love I'll Be Okay

"See, she's already heard the song. Just ask, did you like it." Jack says.

I shake my head at him.

Me: I didn't expect you all to hear that one... Jack wrote it!

Giggles😊: I guessed so😂.

Me: I'm glad you like it.

Giggles😊: it's fantastic, you guys did a great job.

Me: thank you Beautiful

I smile.

"Oh for crying out loud." Jack rolls his eyes.

Me: Hey Y/N, it's me Jack. I stole Zach's phone, don't ask. Anyho! Did you like Look at me?

My eyes widen.

"Jack for god sake!" I yell.

"Oh come on she said she loves the album." Jack chuckles.

Giggles😊: Hey Jack, I don't even wanna know. Look at me if different but I like it.

I got confused.

"She likes it?" I take my phone back.

"Who doesn't like that song?" Jack chuckles.

Me: you like look at me? It's Zach again.

Giggles😊: I mean yeah. Not that I'd have sex to it, my brother sings it . But it is a good song.

Me: are you being for real right now?

Giggles😊: I am, is that okay that I like it?

I chuckle shaking my head, she always surprises me.

Me: I love that you like it it just surprises me you like it.

Giggles😊: what's surprising about it?

Me: it's a song about sex. You don't have sex.

Giggles😊: are you saying I'm too innocent to like look at me?

"You just offended her big time." Jack says.

Me: I'm not saying that, I'm saying I'm surprised you like a song about sex.

Giggles😊: oh Zachary Dean Herron just you wait😙

My eyes widened.

"What the fuck?" Jack says.

"She's way to sleep deprived." I say.

Me: go to bed, you're delirious.

Giggles😊: if you say I am.

Me: I do say you are, Goodnight.

Giggles😊: Goodnight!

I put my phone down scared.

"Did you read the same thing I did?" I ask Jack.

"Well I'm gonna say that 16 year old girl is horny as hell." Jack says looking at my phone.

"I don't think I'm ever gonna forget that conversation." I say wide eyed.

"I'm gonna try super hard too, ewww." He says leaving the room.

I push my phone into my back pocket and go with him to celebrate with the others. I was shocked by the conversation. She was probably just joking. I didn't know how to feel about it. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now