I sit star struck. OMG.

"Y/N what did you think?" Lillian asks.

"I-I-I'm, um, well." I take a deep breath. "I liked it."

I groan. I didn't want to like it.

"Woohoo!" They all yell happily.

We sit talking afterwards, talking about the movie before we go and have dinner. Then after dinner everyone left besides My family.

//25TH DECEMBER 2020//

I wake up to my mom yelling Merry Christmas. I put a hoodie on, Zach's hoodie, then I go and downstairs.

"Merry Christmas." I say hugging everyone.

"Come on let's open some presents." Mom smiles.

No matter how old we get I know for a fact that mom won't stop buying us Christmas gifts.

We all sit around the Christmas tree and start to open presents. I was super happy with everything I got.

"Okay guess what we are doing in March?" My dad smiles broadly.

"What?"Daniel's looking at his new snow gear.

"All families are going to Utah!" My dad yells happily.

We all look at him star struck.

"Your joking?!" Christian jumps up.

"Really?!" Tyler smiles.

"Yep!" My mom joins in.

"Yayyy!" We all jump up happily.

It was like we were all kids again because of our reaction. I got so excited and started to jump up and down with Anna. Suddenly I felt woozy, so I stopped.

"Y/N!" Anna yells.

She grabs me and pulls me to sit down.

"Your so pale." Anna says eyes tearing up.

I couldn't respond. I was panicking, it was like not only was my heart was stopping but my airways are closing up. I started to gasp for air.

"Darling lay down." My mom says.

I lay down but my pain only got worse.

"Y/N I need you to take deep breaths for me." My dad says.

"Y/N don't close your eyes." Is the last thing someone says before I loose conscious.


I was having a great day with my family. When my mom leaves the room on the phone. I was making cookies with Reese. The only thing that was really stuck on my mind was wondering when I was gonna see Y/N next. I really liked her.

"Mom are you okay?" Ryan asks as my mom walks in with eyes teary.

I look up at her.

"Mom?" I ask.

She sits down and proceeds to cry into her hands.

"Dad!" Reese yells.

Our dad comes downstairs and sees mom crying.

"Dear what's wrong?" My dad asks.

Mom takes a few deep breaths and wipes her eyes. She pulls Reese into her arms.

"Y/N's heart failed." My mom says.

We all stand star stuck.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"She was celebrating with everyone about the holiday and apparently she went really pale and collapsed." My mom says wiping my sisters tears.

"Is she okay?" Ryan asks looking seriously panicking.

"They don't know, she's in emergency and they can't see her." Mom says. "Keri's a mess."

I look to the ground, I felt a massive lump in my throat.

"W-what?" I stutter again. "I thought she was getting better."

"So did I, so did everyone." My mom says.

My dad hugs my mom and sister tightly. Even he was crying. I was too shocked to cry.

"She's going to be okay right?" Ryan asks.

"Ryan did you not hear mom, they don't know!" Reese yells before running upstairs.

I chase after her. I knock on her door, at this point my eyes are flooding with tears.

"R-Reese open up." I say, my voice cracking.

She opens the door.

"She's gone Zach isn't she?" Reese says with tears.

I shake my head picking her up. I walk into her bedroom and sit on the bed with her.

"Zachy you're crying." She says wiping my tears.

"I know I am." I says gulping.

"But we can't be, we have to have hope in Y/N." I say to Reese wiping her tears. "She's not gone Reese, she's no where near gone."

"She is Zach, you heard mom her heart failed." Reese crosses her arms.

"I know what mom said but the doctors are doing everything they can." I say to her. "We just have to wait and wait to see her again."

"I don't want to lose her Zach." She cries hugging me.

"I don't want to lose her either." I say hugging my sister back. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now