Chapter XII

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"Ah, that's right I have to go"

"Oh, why ? Do you have a date ?" asks Touko, teasingly.

"Pfft nah, I have to go get all my stuff to go back home, like my mom told me to !" the younger one replies excitedly.

"Oh ?"

"Well yes, I slept at Bel's last night !"

"Ah, I see"

"Well I'll go, see you later !" Mei turns around and hurries away, leaving Touko. This one decides to return to the Coffee, without more delay.



We find Mei in her room, sitting on her bed. She thinks about what she could offer to Hugh during their date. First of all, let us leave place to the morning routine.

She looks at her messy bed and her many blankets that are on the floor and touches her head; her hair is a mess too. Okay, clearly, the laziness of the morning routine.

"Hmm..." She stares at her large mirror and makes a face while sighing. She gets up, dresses and puts on some perfume before going outside to get some fresh air to think about it. A gift for him... she thinks.

She really wants to give him something, but what ? A piece of jewelry ? A necklace ? A comic book ? A console ? A video game ?! Every boy loves video games !

Well...he is not like the others, he is different ! So he deserves a unique, delicious gift...and made by his future wife. That is me, obviously.

"Hum..." Mei stares at the ground and lets out a shout of surprise. She has found it.

"A CAKE~!"

But not just any cake, oh no. It will be a strawberry and whipped cream cake!

Before motivating herself to go to the store, she grabs her phone to read again the message he sent her yesterday. Her cheeks start to blush like a girl coming out of an anime who thinks about her Senpai, in an uncontrolled way.

She shakes her head and gets ready to go to the store.

On the road, everything was calm. Not much traffic, not many people and above all, it was a beautiful day outside.

Flour, cream, powdered sugar, strawberries, yeast, milk... She hastens to grab all the ingredients she needs.

Once out of the store with a satisfied smile plastered to her lips, she sets out to return home, all determined, while ignoring the wanted poster that was dragging under her feet a moment ago.

"Oh ?" Mei's eyes notice a green tuft sticking out of a large bush. She walks towards the spot, and notices N, sitting on a bench. Ughh not this piece of-

"Oh hi !" she greets with a fake warm smile. The young man turns around with surprise and smiles gently at Mei with a wave of his hand.

"Good morning, beautiful day isn't it ?"

"Oh yeah, that makes me happy, that'll motivate me even more !" she says with a smile, her hypocrisy growing.

"Ah ? Sports ?" He asks.

"Wha ? Sport ? Me ??" 

"Ah... That's right, it's not your thing, I can see that, huh" He says while staring at her body. Her jaw drop, she looks at her chubby arms and legs. We never know if it's pure innocence or direct honesty. 

Touko x N; Mei x Hugh (Pokémon B/W ships)Where stories live. Discover now