Chapter IV

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The CDI is open! " Wait, if you want, we'll photocopy this sheet so you can get it right away!" I say to him with a smile. He smiles back at me "Ok, let's go".

Narrator POV

Touko and Haruna abandon the search, one exhausted and the other desperate. There are 4-5 minutes left before the bell rings and force the students to return to class for their last hour of the morning. The two students decide to sit in the hallway, against the wall of their classroom. Touko sighs "Sorry for dragging you into a pointless chase" she says. Haruna looks at her, sipping on her brick of orange juice that she usually brings back to class every day, then smiles teasingly at her.

"Don't worry...we'll eventually find your soul mate haha"she says. Touko's eyes get all round and her cheeks are starting to turn pink, she flicks her friend's nose while retorting.

"Stop messing around, it's not my soul ma-" She stops when she sees a man approaching them. "H-huh" Haruna and Touko stand up directly, thinking of this man as a new supervisor. Haruna whispers quietly in her friend's ear.

"If we have an hour of detention on the first day, I will never follow you in the halls again"

"Show a slight smile and don't make sudden movements qwq" Touko murmures back. 

The man has short black hair with a few strands that fall on his neck and some on his forehead, he looks rather young. But the most surprising thing is his eyes. His black eyes. There is something reassuring but also..something else...

He pauses for a moment to look around and notice the two students.

"Hello Ladies" he greets in a deep and thoughtful voice, without really looking at them. 

"Hm...greetings" the two girls quietly reply. He seems to be looking for something. 

Haruna exchanges a look with Touko who raises an eyebrow. "'re looking for someone ?" Haruna asks the young man. "Indeed..." he says, still looking lightly around the place with a thoughtful and lost air. Haruna frowns starting to lose patience. "And who's that ? ..." she asks in a faded voice. 

The individual turns completely to face the young students. "Ah, I'm sorry, actually I'm looking for the room for-" He stops when his charcoal black eyes fall in turn on Haruna, then on Touko. He gives them a mischievous smile.

Touko quickly resumes "Uh... The Teachers' Room ? Is this the teachers' room you're looking for ?" The guy's smile widens a little more "Exact. Can you show me the direction maybe~ ?" 

Suddenly, his hard, firm and deep voice changes into a smooth voice. "Oh, well, it's just the hallway before the lobby, then the dark blue door on the right ! There are even plenty of Music Hall posters and other pamphlets for student licenses" Haruna replies with a laugh at the end of her sentence. "Aw, I would have preferred you to accompany me for fear of losing myself again ~" he justifies in a singing tone, staring at Touko. 

She immediately notices his insistent gaze and feels a wave of chills running down her back. Not the kind of thrills you get when you see someone you like, but the kind of thrill you get when you see a potential danger.

Calm your anxiety, there's probably not any danger thinks the brunette. Haruna is about to join the stranger to guide him, but her friend is holding her back. "S-sorry, but we forgot to buy our refectory tickets, but knock on the right door, it's the blue one just before arriving in the Hall, you can't go wrong h-hehe, good luck!" She announces by taking Haruna's arm and pretending to go upstairs.

"Thank you anyway and see you later~" he ends up leaving.

Touko remains silent, which puzzles her friend. Ever since they first met, Haruna has known that her friend's behavior can seem strange to others at times, but she sort of feels the same 'anomaly', so to prime the problem, she begins. "Hey...wasn't the guy weird earlier?" Touko looks in front of her and nods "Yeah...a little bit". The two teens discuss the same topic as they walks around the halls back to their class.

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