Chapter X

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Narrator POV

The dark-haired man managed to sneak among the tiny children exiting the school at the last bell, then he stopped suddenly.

"What the fuck are you doing ? Get off me right now!!!"

A loud shout. Keith turns around sharply, a smirk on his face, realizing that the voice is the one of his prey.

"There you are..." he says lowly as he approaches the scream. He manages to hear people fighting. It sounds like there is a struggle going on. He quietly approaches the source of the noise. "What the hell is she doing ?" he wonders, whispering quietly, almost inaudibly.

"N-no! I don't want to!"

He approaches the corner, supposed to be unoccupied, with wolf steps. Then, facing the scene, he seems suddenly surprised by the turn of the things, however his smooth and impassive face resurfaces. Dake turns over hastily and stares at the taller one, frightened, caught out. Mei's eyes widen as Keith appears. The goth stares at the other male with his circled eyes, then inks his gaze through the watery eyes of his target. Dakota loosely steps away from the girl and heads in the opposite direction, eventually running without saying anything.

Mei falls to her knees on the floor, catching her breath, and holding each side of her uniform to hide. The emo frowns imperceptibly and approaches her.

"Mei !"

At the same time, Hugh arrives with his Unfezant, then he finally sees Mei, but he is surprised when he notices Keith's presence. Mei lowers her head and remains silent while the black haired man changes his destination and starts a quick walk towards the indigo-haired guy to whisper something in his ear.

She raises her head, intrigued by the two other students and their whispering. A shocked expression appears on the pokemon trainer's face. Keith's lips open one last time, still silent, then close again as he continues on his way out.

Hugh frowns with a growl, then nods, fists clenched as he climbs down from his bird. "Get back into your pokeball..." he orders, the big bird coos with a fearful sound and disappears in a red glow, returning to its pokeball as the trainer slowly approaches Mei. She had a little trouble getting up, but Hugh caught her just in time and helped her stand. "Now you tell me what happened..." he said.

"..." she remains silent while rubbing the wrist that Dake twisted. A small sigh comes out of the student's mouth, then in a slow, gentle motion, he takes her hands to examine her wrists, stroking her weak fingers. He tenderly brushes her skin as if it were porcelain. "You've got some serious marks..." the boy remarks, frowning. The glance of the girl settles on the eyes of her lover while her lips begin to separate weakly, she releases the word.

"T-Touko and I...were chased," she begins, smiling slightly, her voice imperceptibly shaky. Hugh's eyes blink automatically, and he lifts his head and looks at the student, hoping she will continue. "I don't know about Tou yet...but I, I managed to escape them...t-thanks to Dake." His body shudders, he tenses and clenches his jaw, filled with rage. "A-and then...just when I thought I was off the hook...H-he started to trap me in a corner and-"

"It's okay, stop." Hugh orders in a dry voice.

"H-hmm..." the teenager gathers her arms and hands against her, a little worried and surprised by the tone used by her crush.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to follow just anyone?" adds Hugh. Mei stops instantly and with a short breath clenches his fists, convinced that his friend has no empathy in this situation. He sighs before regaining his composure.

Touko x N; Mei x Hugh (Pokémon B/W ships)Where stories live. Discover now