Chapter V

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" not now.."


"In 5 minutes...I'm having a good dream right now~..."




"Oh okay....anyways, we only have class this morning since it's Wednesday..." I get up from my bed yawning and stretching in my blue and white pajamas.

Hmm....I have time to take a shower, put on makeup and get ready. Hope it's sunny outside !

I don't forget Jirachi so that he can come with us to the Café and then get out of his pokeball in this peaceful time, worthy of a Wednesday. My cell phone starts to vibrate again, notifying a message. I take it with me while I change clothes.

« Tou-chan : You're late again >:3 »

« Meisagi : ehhh? »

I feel my eyes widen up with apprehension and surprise, then my gaze falls quickly to my clock radio. "7H53 am ?!?" I yell in frustration.

I sprint to the kitchen, taking my schoolbag and a bag of snacks, then run to the last bus, being lucky enough not to have missed it. I hurry to join my friends as well as the classroom so that I wont miss the lesson. When I finally reach the main staircase, I decide to take a look at my phone.

"8H27 am.. ?!" I notice. "bUt hOw iS iT pOsSibLe ?!" I groan as I hurry.

Narrator POV

Knock knock.

The young girl, out of breath, finally enters the classroom.

Never again I stay up until 1 am to read fanfics- She thinks.

"Ah...well, here you are Miss Mei, did you get stuck in the shower this morning...? " Mrs. Harper asks sarcastically.


Laughters are heard following the teacher's remark, the student ignores them and sits down on her seat

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Laughters are heard following the teacher's remark, the student ignores them and sits down on her seat. Hugh stares at all of Mei's movements without her even noticing.

"Well then, what the heck happened ?" Haruna asks her friend.

" alarm clock didn't work-" answers the young student. Touko slowly shows a smirk while staring at Mei  "Nah, I bet she was reading some « Ace x Vivi lemon » again" she says with a little giggle.

Mei's cheeks turn red, her mouth opens as she starts to reply but immediately closes and looks away adopting an almost slumped posture then crossing her arms against her chest, she sulks. Her gaze then lingers towards the main door of the classroom, where Hugh is seated. He notices her instantly and smiles at her. The girl smiles back, blushing slightly. Touko notices the scene and gives a teasing smile to her neighbor. For a few minutes, Haruna and Touko exchange small drawings they made during the first lesson, while Mei draws on her table, staring at Hugh. For the first time, Mei is happy to be in class.

Touko x N; Mei x Hugh (Pokémon B/W ships)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora