Chapter I

16 0 0

Touko POV

I feel cold sweat on my back and on my neck. I shudder unpleasantly and move my arms slightly, looking for a way out.

I drown into darkness, I try to take control of this situation, but lucidity escapes me, and shadows surround me.

My breathing speeds up and-

"Wake up, my dear..."

A gentle and familiar voice comes to rescue me and gets me out of my nightmare quickly. I get up suddenly trembling, then I notice my mother, already dressed to go to work, she looks at me, a little bit worried. I'm showing a weak smile.

"M-mommy..You're r-ready to go to work already ?" I ask, forcing myself not to babble, in vain.

She kisses me on the cheek and fixes my hair, nodding her head.

"Yes, I had to wake up a little early to take a shower". She hesitates, then stares at me, looking sad and worried.

"A nightmare again..?" She asks me.

I nod as I stop smiling. She continues.

"And I assume that, almost as always, you don't want to tell me about this bad dream?".

I nod in response. "I'm sorry, it's not against you, nightmares are-"

She sits down on my bed. "I know sweetie...But It'll make you feel good to talk about it"

I shake my head a little bit while smiling. "I'm fine, I'm probably stressed for the first day, haha." I say. I feel that she doesn't believe me, I get up.

"Uh...What time is it ?" I ask.

"Only 7h24 am, you better get ready anyway, so you can go to class with Mei, Haruna and Red" she gets up in turn and leaves the room, she takes one last glance and pulls her tongue out at me.

"Ah, and I wish you good luck on your first day !" I stare at her and make a face in return.

I go to my wardrobe and open it to choose my uniform, but a fluffy ball of purple hair comes out of the furniture.

"Darkness ! What were you doing in there ?!" I kneel a little and caress the cat, she mews on me as if to say hello. I smile and scratch her ears.

"Did you sleep well ? You had to be comfortable...IN MY CLOTHES-" I frown pretending to be angry towards the feline, but she does not seem impressed at all since she stares at me with a defiant look, she surely wants to play. I sigh.

"I'm sorry, Darku, but I don't have time, I have to hurry" I smile at her and decide to wear my uniform (see the fan art above).

I take my schoolbag, my keys, and I grab a toast before I turn to the window, thinking back to my horrific dream. Suddenly I hear a heavy knock on the front door, then 2, then 3. I move carefully towards the door; 4 knocks, it is insistent. I open and get attacked by arms that hug me very tightly, I suffocate, not by the embrace but by embarrassment... 


My toast falls to the ground! I scream.

"Meiiii..." I yell. She laughs joyfully and stares at me while waving her eyebrows.

"Hiii!! How are you?!" I smile at her good mood.


As soon as I see the door open, I decide to rush to Touko and make her one of my attacks! Her eyes become bigger so it means she is surprised ?... YAAAASSS-!

"Hiiii!! How are you?!" I ask her, jumping on the spot, always hugging her. She says she's fine, but she takes me out of the house so she can close the door. "Let's go or we'll be late." She takes me by the arm and drags me out of the garden.... A FUCKING BLUE FLOWER- I stop and stare at it, smiling "Woooow!"

Touko x N; Mei x Hugh (Pokémon B/W ships)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang