I clenched my teeth after reading Nikhil's text. He supposed to understand me but instead of supporting me, he is threatening me. He knows how dramatic mummy will be if I refused to come home.

Dhruv- Fucking fine. I'll be there tonight.

I have to soon find the solution of this problem. If Priya won't listen to me then I have to talk to her father then. By hook or crook, I am not going yo let this marriage happen. I can't ruin Priya's life after knowing that I can't give her love, a husband supposed to give her wife.


Door bell rang of my house. I put my phone inside my jeans pocket and went to open the door.

I opened the door and Raghav was standing in front of me holding two beer bottles and snacks.

"It's 10 in the morning." I asked as he was in full mood of getting drunk.

"I know..but as now you spent less time with me so I thought why not in the morning." He said while letting himself inside my house and scrunched his nose when he saw the condition of it but choose to ignore it as he is now habituate of it.

"We both have meeting with Chief Minister." I said in flat tone with the matter of fact though it just a beer it can't do anything with our drunk asses. It's like a drop to us in a ocean.

"The meeting was at noon and it just a beer. You know it can not do anything to us." He rolled his eyes and just like that he got me there but I don't have time for his beer as I am getting late for the important work.

"You're going somewhere?" He asked while looking at my casuals.

"Yeah, have important work which needs my attention immediately." I said while picking up my car keys and went outside the house.

"Can I join?"

"No..." I denied and set inside the car knowing that he is not going to listen to me.


"What are we doing here, middle of this highway?"

"Waiting for someone." I said while taking the long drag of my cigarette and then take a sip of beer after puffing out the smock.

I stopped my car middle of the highway, on the way of Aditi's college, waiting for someone, patiently to teach lesson that bloody Karan and his friends. If he thinks, he can roam around freely after humiliating Aditi yesterday then he mess with the wrong girl because I don't spare any single person who hurt her.

After my meeting yesterday I went to Aditi's college when I found out she went to her college without having lunch. But there I found about her due exam fees. I talked to her HOD Tyagi ji and paid her exam fees for all semesters so she could not worry about money further nad only focus on her study. I don't know why but I feel like she is my responsibility like taking care of her and full filling her wishes is my only motive.

Looking for her I reached college cafeteria and there I found out how that bloody Karan humiliating Aditi with his friends. He crossed the line yesterday and I am going to make him pay for that.

"Who..?" Raghav asked pulling out me from my thoughts.

"You will know soon." I said while looking at front of the highway. I know he went to college daily by this route and I cancelled all my early meetings just to teach him lesson. By the way it's been long I beat someone. My hands are itching.

I could not imagine in my wildest dream that Aditi have to gone through
all those alone for years. She mentioned her past was dark and horrible but didn't give me the details. If anyone could be her place ,might give up or end up her life. She is strong from other girls but can't hide her vulnerability in front of me.

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