~•¥Chapter Two ¥•~

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"No, not like that! If you keep leaving yourself open, you're gonna get stabbed in the chest!"

I wipe the sweat off my brow with the hem of my shirt and glare at my brother. He's been pounding me all day with personal, one-on-one training. Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean I get a break.

"If you'd let me rest for a second, my performance would be better," I huff.

"You think villains are gonna let you catch your breath in a fight? Now pick up your staff, we need to go over that disarming move again."

I sigh and grab a hold of my weapon. We ready ourselves into a defensive position before he comes rushing at me. I dodge the first attack and roll out of the way of his feathered sword. He barrels down on me and I come up on one knee, holding my staff in front of me to block his blow. I recover and we share a few sword-like moves before his blade hits the base of my weapon and knocks it out of my hand with a harsh downward swing.

"Alright," Hawks pants, "whatever, go get a drink. Be back here in ten." He turns towards the steps and marches upstairs out of the training hall.

I throw my staff across the room in frustration. Laying across the cold floor, I stretch out and cross my arms over my face. Every second that I'm breathing I'm either working out or sleeping. This house has a library, gaming and theater room, and even an enormous pool, yet I've probably used each only once. I've been through so many burn-outs that I can't even call them episodes anymore. They're more of a lifestyle. I could be spending my time planning on making the world better or ending the hero society, instead, I'm training to follow in their footsteps. There isn't a thing more insulting.


I sit up and see Fuyumi, my step-sister, peeking her head in the doorway. "Oh, hey. Do you need anything?" I ask.

"Oh, no, I was just bringing some salve and coconut water. I read somewhere that it can help with extreme muscle cramps and...you look like you need something refreshing." She sits beside me and hands me the drink.

"Well, thank you," I say, quickly downing half the glass. Fuyumi opens the salve and reaches for my arm. "I can do that myself. You know, they're not going to test you on how well you can apply ointment on your rescue hero form."

"I know, but I like helping."

Heroes who focus their quirks or skills on healing are the only ones a can stand. Though the government they work under is flawed, they're usually okay themselves. Fuyumi has wanted to be a doctor since she could toddle, or so I'm told, but Endeavor forced her to go into hero training. She decided to work in the rescue industry.

"Alright, you should be fine now. If you need any more, come get me," she says as she rises to leave.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Oh," she says, turning back to me, "sure."

"I know you're not a fan of lying but-"

"Is this about the anti-hero riot going on?"

I sigh. Of course she would've guessed. She's the only one I've completely spilled my beliefs onto. She was around the age of fourteen when I first was diagnosed with ASPD. She witnessed the horrible things her father forced onto me and has stuck by my side since, even if she doesn't agree with my politics.

"Yeah, actually. I wanted to listen to a few of the political guest speakers, but Hawks has me on homework lockdown. If you could just say I contradicted the stomach viru-"

"Y/N, you know I hate lying. It goes against my beliefs, like hero training does with yours."

I nod and look away from her, taking a few sips of my water.

"Alright," she sighs. "Listen to me. I'll tell dad that you got sick from a new salve I tried to give you for your muscles since we've been trying a lot of those recently. I'll say you developed a burning, contagious rash and decided to study alone and go to sleep early. You will be back sometime from midnight to one, do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," I joke.

"Good." She starts heading up the stairs before turning back to me. "Oh, and bring me back one of those 16-ounce ice cream tubs for letting you get away with this. Neapolitan flavor." She quickly turns back and walks upstairs.


Fuyumi Todoroki's favorite food is ice cream!


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