~•¥Chapter Eighteen¥•~

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I giggle and smile down at Uso. My head is foggy, but it's comforting. Every negative thought is quiet, especially the ones about Dabi. There's an urge deep within me to cup Katsubō's cheek or stroke his hair. I can't help but imagine how soft it would be, the purr he would make, or the smile on his face...

"E-eh!?" I exclaim before jumping back, slamming into Dabi. My wings fold protectively around myself and Dabi's hand rests on my shoulder. My knife is in my hand before I can register its weight being removed from my pocket.

  'Filthy...' I think to myself.

  "Relax, Doll," he chuckles. "I'm just trying to say hi~"

Instead of the magnetic pull from before, I feel repulsed. He touched me, and I just giggled! I can't stand egotistical pricks who think they're so irresistible, and Katsubō is just that. There's a burning sensation on my hand, and even though I know it's all in my head, I can't help but panic.

"C'mon, baby! Don't give me that look. That laugh was just so cute!"

In the blink of an eye, knife flies past his head and he shrieks, jumping back.

  Correction, my knife.

  This earns a few chuckles from the rest of the villains, but I stand my guard. "Yeah, some villain," I scoff. "If something as little as a dagger frightens you so badly, you shouldn't be here."

"Relax, Y/N," says Shigaraki. "No one blames you for your reaction. It's his quirk, after all."

"Strangely, that's the problem," Uso says, standing and brushing off his jeans. "You shouldn't have been able to break out of that control."

  "Well, I am a male, after all," I scoff.

  "Doesn't matter. No one has ever done that, especially if I was solely controlling one person. So what makes you so special, hm?" he says, glaring at me.

  "Want to find out?" I growl. "Your quirk is beyond disgusting. It leaves you thinking your something so wonderful when the only thing your cable of doing is working your way around words. Trust me when I say talking isn't that impressive."

Katsubō smirks and walks up to me. Me being as short as I am, he leans over me, looking as if I'm something to eat. "I can show you how powerful my quirk can be~"

The atmosphere in the bar is tense. Dabi is silent behind me. Does Uso really not see how awkward he's making this? He truly believes his quirk makes him so powerful...

"Alright," I say, "I've had enough of this."

Detaching a few feathers, I send them towards Uso, pinning him to the wall but being careful not to pierce his skin.
"Get me when something important happens."

I turn and storm up the ladder before Tomura calls out to me. "Y/N, this is important."

  "He's just some idiotic recruit."

  "No, this is something more than th-"

  "Shigaraki, it's not mandatory to meet every knew member we get. I didn't meet Mustard or Magne.

  "I know, but-"

  "No! I didn't meet anyone! This is a waste of ti-"

  "I SAID THIS WAS IMPORTANT! SIT DOWN!" he yells, slamming his hands on the counter.

Being used to yelling, I don't give much of a reaction, but this is another moment that I'm glad my hair hides my eyes. Tomura has never yelled. At least, not since I got here. Normally he's just annoyed or complaining about some kid named Izuku. I didn't even know he had it in him to yell.

I don't want it to happen ever again.

Sliding into a barstool, I look up at Kurogiri, not wanting to make eye contact with Shigaraki. Dabi comes to stand beside me. We still haven't spoken since this morning.

"Now, as I was trying to say, today is important, and not just for Katsubō's arrival. Today, we will all have our first real mission."

His words are heavy. The silence after is worse. I knew what would happen when I joined the League, but I never thought it would be so soon.

When I joined the League...it's hard to believe that was only two months ago. Now I'm just one of the others. I fit perfectly, almost as if I was the missing piece. A strange feeling it is to actually belong somewhere. Guess I'll just have to get used to it.

"Our mission will take place in three days time," says Shigaraki.

Nervousness creeps it's way into me before excitement shortly follows. Three days? In three days I can prove my worth! Show that I really am that missing piece!

"I want you all to eat well, drink plenty, and get some sleep in these coming days. We need to be at our best, alert and ready. This will be our first play of the game."

"Wait, where will we fight, or whatever we're doing? Who's doing what?" Toga asks.

For a split second, I see Tomura's eyes flick towards mine then back away.

"Well," he starts, "we...will be attacking the hero high school Yuuei's USJ. The USJ is where heroes get taken to practice rescuing. From the information I have, heroes All Might and Thirteen will be there monitoring a class. We'll be splitting into groups. As you know, we have several warehouses, each in different sectors. Right now, those warehouses are filled with random thugs found on the street. They will be a key part in this plan, the distractions. Who cares if they live or die as long as we succeed, right?"

For a moment, he sits in thought. Then he looks at us and smiles.

"If all goes well, we'll kill All Might before noon."

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