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  I try not to put many A/Ns in my recent books because I don't like to interfere with the story, but oh my MOTHER OF JESUS 1,000 rEaDs!!!!!!! I've worked SO hard on the book and I'm so glad that it's gotten so much attention and so much love that, I kid you not, it almost brought me to tears😭. Thank you so, SO much for reading this! For now, I am working on a Amajiki x Reader and a Chisaki x Reader, but I want to upload something to this book soon...but there's a problem. IM RUNNING OUT OF iNsPeRaTiOn!!! I would really, REALLY appreciate it if you could give me ideas on how you would like the story to continue AND/OR situations/scenarios that you would like to see in here! I would be so grateful for ANY ideas! I also want to know your thoughts on the Male Reader part. Should I change it to fit all genders (using mostly they/them/their or he/she/other instead of just he/him/his) or leave it as is? Again, thank you all so much and I love ALL of you and your flaws🤗!!!❤️

      Sincerely, Dãmïán and Candor

The Scars Underneath  |  Dabi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now