~•¥Chapter Nineteen¥•~

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Pacing. That's what I've been doing for the past hour. Toga is really starting to look pissed.

  "Y/N, please, sit down! You have nothing to worry about! We all know you're a strong fighter. You and me can tie in training, so for the love of whatever gods you do or don't believe in, SIT DOWN!"

"You don't know what will happen, Toga! If we all get separated into different environments, who will I end up with!? I know Chisaki is staying behind to work the mics and security, but then what!? What if I don't get to fight with you!?"

Smiling, she stands and grabs my wrists, pulling me to sit beside her. After hugging me close to her chest, she gently strokes my hair.

"You will do great. You're a natural villain! Little gangsta' boy!" she giggles. "I know you can fight by yourself, and even if you don't get paired with me, you always have Dabi in your corner. Sure, he's a nasty prick, but he'd fight with any one of us...I think."

I sigh and look up at her.

"He won't talk to me."

"What?" She says, looking surprised. "Why not?"

The moments from Ride Or Die coming flooding back in an instant.

~ "But then you wouldn't be up here with me." ~

"I don't know," I lie. "He won't even look in my direction..."

"Well," she says, pulling me to my feet. "He's not worth it. Who needs him anyway?"

'I might...' I think to myself.

Full of energy, she pulls me to the door. "C'mon! Shiggy is waiting for us!"


  "Now, we all understand the plan, right? Toga with Mustard and Y/N with Dabi and Katsubō?" Tomura asks.

  We all nod quietly. I'm not sure if it's the nerves or excitement that's keeping everyone quiet, but it unsettles me. At least I know now that Kurogiri is going to try his hardest to keep us in our groups. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Toga wink a me.

  I peek over my shoulder at Dabi. We fight perfectly together. We know each other's strength and weaknesses like the back of our hands. Whenever there's something I struggle with, he's there to make up for it and vice versa. Now that there's no communication, though...I don't know how our performance will be.

  "Good. Kurogiri, shall we?"

  Solemnly, Kurogiri moves from behind the bar to out in the middle of the room. Purple mist swirls in the air and a large vortex opens, ready to lead us to our future. Group one heads in, then group two. In the back of my mind, I'm aware that across the sector in our backup warehouses, others are walking in a portal as well.

  Finally, Dabi, Shigaraki, and I are left, standing in front of Kurogiri. My nerves are shot and my palms are clammy. I can't see to dry them off now matter how many times I wipe them on my jeans.

  Without a sound, Dabi places his hand on my shoulder. Knowing that this will most likely be my most important moment in the League, I walk into the warp gate.


  For a moment, I'm blind and deaf. My heart is beating so fast it hurts. I can't make of what's around me and the enclosed space his only making my panic rise. Finally, sunlight pierces the dark abyss and I step out into the plaza.

  I thought it would be loud with the chatter of random thugs. Instead, the most noise comes from the class at the top entrance. They look back from one another, anxiously glancing in our direction.

  I wonder when they'll realize this is real.

  "I thought the glorious All Might was supposed to be here?" Uso spats.

  "Give it time, kid," Dabi says. "He'll be here eventually. Until then, we get to have some fun."

  Smiling sadistically, he looks down at me. My head spins, and I can't tell what's making my heart pound anymore. This is my first fight with Dabi. The first time we can do some actually damage together.

  "Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri states, "we should separate now."

  Shigaraki chuckles. "Go ahead! What else are we here for. Now we can crush this rotten society!"

  Before I can say a word, I'm pulled back and deposited out inside of one of the arenas. Trees surround me in every direction. A canopy of leaves hang above my head, so thick that any light is hardly able to penetrate it.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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