~•¥Chapter Fifteen¥•~

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To add just a little charm, I'm going to add small outfit ideas at the very bottom of the chapter. You don't have to use them, I just thought it would be interesting.

Y/N/N: Your Nickname


  When I wake, Dabi is sitting at the edge of the bed. My arms itch and burn under the bandages. Everything that happened last night comes rushing back, along with my realization.

  I sit up, Indian style, and stretch.

Y/N: "Morning, Dabi."

  He doesn't respond.

Y/N: "Last night was unacceptable. I'm sorry for my actions. I didn't know it was even possible for me to act like that."

  Wind rustles against the darkened windows. It's the only sound to be heard. I reach out to touch him, but he flinches away.

Dabi: "Sorry. Just thinking, I guess."

  I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his back. Dabi scoots away and stands up.

Dabi: "C'mon, get changed. I think Shigaraki has an announcement."

  He smiles, but it seems forced.


Bounding down the stairs, I see everyone huddled around the bar, besides Chisaki, who stares out the window. There's a bristling energy in the air, something that never happens.

Shigaraki: "Y/N," he says with charm. "Glad to see you on your feet again."

Kurogiri: "Since we all have had a rough few days, I managed to get Shigaraki to agree to an idea I came up with."

  The rest of us look their way with confusion in our eyes.

Shigaraki: "Well...and I won't do this often, but you guys need...a break."

Kurogiri: "You all are still young and energetic, after all. Including you, Tomura."

  Shigaraki reaches behind him and pulls out several small, rectangular pieces of paper and places them on the counter. He gestures to them with his hand.

  Toga is the first to pick one up, and she gasps in delight.

Toga: "OH MY GOD! These are tickets to Ride Or Die!!!" she squeals and jumps up and down.

  Dabi grabs one in return.

Dabi: "No shit."

Y/N: "Isn't that the huge amusement park in Kōchi?"

Toga: "OBVIOUSLY! It's literally the only place we can go to have fun! All the rides and prizes and sweets! There's too many people to recognize us, and it's even safer at night!"

Y/N: "Is it really that different from any other amusement park?"

She quickly turns around and glowers at me.

Toga: "NO! This one has twice as many rides than the average park, much better food, and extremely dark so it's harder to see us! It's literally the best place on earth! Oh, and the neon lighting is super cute."

I shrug and go along with it. A bit of fun may help whatever is going on inside of me.

  I look over at Dabi and smile, but he looks back towards his ticket. My eyes shift to my hands.

Toga: "So when can we go!?" Her fangs show from her wide smile.

Shigaraki: "As soon as the sun sets," he grins.

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