[32] Drag Me Away.

Start from the beginning

"So does this mean that I'm not gonna get killed next hour?"

"Nope," Zac replied, popping the 'p'. "Now, just peace out, and stuff in," he said before taking a huge bite out of his sandwich.

"We'll go to the library, okay?" Sean asked Ashley before he dug into his food.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Sure . . . it's not like I had plans or anything," she muttered sarcastically.

"Sorry," Sean apologized, his mouth full of food.

"Hi! Sup guys?"

Zac looked up, along with the other three, in the direction of the chipper voice to see Jayden walking towards them, slips of paper in his fist.

"Sup, man?"

"Nothing," Jayden smiled as he came to a stop in front of their table. "I've got your chits," he said happily as he brandished his fist at them.

Zac groaned. "Are you guys really doing this?"

Jayden, Ashley and Gabriella nodded, while Sean didn't reply.

"I was gonna do it to, but I was to busy worrying about physics," Sean explained. "I'll hand out my chits in the evening."

"Must be fun," Zac muttered with a snort before he resumed eating.

"It is. Here's your slip," Jayden chuckled. "It says, 'You're cool, but grumpy. Best soccer player, ever, and a great leader too.' Liked it? It's even your favorite color - blue."

Zac couldn't help but smile; why wouldn't he? Jayden complimented him about his soccer skills. "Thanks, man. Guess I'll do the chits thing too. I'll give you yours at practice."

"You're welcome."

"Aw, Jayden, that is so sweet," Gabriella cooed as she read the slip Jayden handed her. It said, 'You're one smart blonde with a cute smile. Remain my friend forever.'

Jayden nodded before he turned towards Ashley and Sean. "Here," he said as he handed them a colored slip of paper each.


"I still don't get it. Why am I here with you, in the library? You just had to copy this stuff," Ashley grumbled as she walked into the library with Sean, once fourth hour started.

Sean chuckled. "I'd get bored on my own. Moreover, I had to talk to you about something . . ." he trailed off.

"Okay?" Ashley asked, sounding perplexed. "What is it?"

"I'll ask you, eventually. You didn't have any plans, did you?"

"I wanted to sleep," Ashley said with a huge yawn. "All of the exhaustion from the weekend hasn't gone away yet."

"Just for an hour?" Sean laughed. "Actually less than that, but that's not the point. It's not fun sleeping for such a short while."

"I know, but I have next hour free too," she sighed. "Anyway, guess I'll just write out my messages for now."

"Great," Sean smiled at her as he wondered how could he bring up the topic that he wanted to talk to her about.

Twenty minutes later, the duo sat in silence as Ashley wrote out her messages and Sean steadily copied out his homework.

The brunette bit her lip in concentration as she stared at the blue slip of paper in front of her. She had written out messages for everybody from her group of friends; everybody except Zac.

'Zac . . .' she thought as she stared at the paper. 'What can I write about him?'

Five minutes later, she once again re-read her message for Zac.

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