Chapter 18

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We made it to shore safely the sun rising behind us. Tauriel was quick to bind my wound after making sure there was no poison. The children were quick to run off in search of Bane and their father while the dwarves readied a boat for the mountain.

"You know I can't let you go with need to return to Thranduil." Tauriel said.

"So he gets to be with his soulmate and you don't?" I said with a smirk.

Tauriel cheeks heated, looking over to Kili. "If my king wishes it then it must be."

"What about what your queen wishes?" I took her hand in mine. "You need to take your chance to be with the person you love, before it slips through your fingers. Come with us. Just say you couldn't bring me in so you thought it best to stick around and protect me." I shrugged.

Tauriel seemed hesitant but as Kili approached, I stepped away. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I didn't need to. But I had to quickly ruin the moment when I saw Legolas coming.

"Alright so we should really get going. You know before anything stops us. Tauriel? Are you coming?" I said, pushing them to the boat.

She seemed to hesitate. "But Thranduil will..."

"Has already banished you." I said. "Now let's go!"

We all hopped in the boat and I helped shove us off  just as Legolas reached us. I smirked as I took an oar, pushing us further. This would change the game entirely, maybe for the better.

Fili took the oar from me as my arms grew tired. The boat seemed to go faster for him anyway, and before long we reached the shore. Getting to the mountain was a bit of a hike but after all this a bit of a hike was nothing. Reaching the busted entrance of Erebor my heart raced with anxiety and excitement. I worried for Thorin but I was also thrilled to see the kingdom of Erebor and all its glory. Movies didn't do it justice, that for sure.

We had to go deep into the mountain, following a golden glow, before we found Thorin. Bilbo had tried to stop us but I reassured him the sickness would only affect Thorin. The others ran ahead while stayed behind with Bilbo.

"You knew he'd be sick?" Bilbo asked.

"Of course I did." I shrugged. "But I also knew I couldn't change that fact. In fact I think only you can."

"What? Why me?...Wait...Do you mean the Arkenstone?"

"No! Definitely not. Look he can find his way without you but I feel stick around then he'll come back to himself so much sooner."

"Stick around?" Bilbo seemed a bit startled.

"No you'll be fine. Just...most of the town survived. They'll go to the town of Dale for shelter. And Thranduil and his army will follow. They will threaten war because Thorin won't give them what they came for. What he gave his word to give."

"We can't fight a war..." Bilbo said.

"Exactly. So don't give Thorin the stone. Oh and one more thing, don't leave his side. There may be a few moment where you might leave his side in the next few days...don't. It may be the only way he survives ."I said before walking away.

Thorin didn't question Tauriel's presence after Kili explained she was his soulmate. He was too fascinated with his gold and searching for the stone than anything else anyway. I had helped search for the stone despite knowing where it was. I figured it should stay where it was. But I wasn't sure if it should be used for ransom.

Night fell quickly and the sun rose swiftly, and a wall with it as people filled Dale. I was quick to glance out towards the town. Thranduil was already there, his vast army visible from here.

"What's going on out there?" Thorin asked, sneaking up on me and making me jump.

"It seems Thranduil has joined them. Soon Bard will ride up here and ask you for the gold you promised." I said.

Thorins gaze grew hard but distant and with a low growl. "He can't have it."

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