Chapter 2

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They had provided me with clean clothes, which happened to be a beautiful gown. Then they led me to an outdoor dinner area. The table was long and full of short bearded men arguing about meat, except for one taller old man that I truly hoped was Gandalf.

A few of the dwarves stopped to look at me as Lindir helped me take my seat next to Lord Elrond.

"Tell me, who is your beautiful quest?" Gandalf said to Elrond.

"Andriel." I spoke up.

Gandalf and Elrond smiled. "It seems you are not the only one to drop in today Gandalf."

"Indeed." Gandalf said. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you. Is this your first time traveling to Rivendell?"

I felt my heart pick up in pace. "I...yes."

"She's a Traveler." Elrond said.

"A Traveler? Its been quite some time since we've had a Traveler in Middle-Earth. Where do you come from?" a dwarf said, the spitting image of Thorin.

"Wait what? What do you mean a Traveler?" I said looking to Elrond.

"First time? Well, you're a Traveler. You Travel between worlds. The last one that came here spoke of also being able to see our future. He was a strange fellow, but he mentioned another traveler come to us."

"Oh..okay..well im sure thats what my little coma dream here has as the best explanation...because... in my world...there are books and a set of movies..about this place. This...this is impossible."

"I don't know what a movie is but may I ask who wrote the books? Was it perhaps a man named John Ronald Reuel Tolkien?" Elrond asked sitting forward expectantly.


"Hm. He did say would write about this place one day. So you are from Earth then." Gandalf said with a chuckle.

"John said you would have a purpose here. But we can talk about that later. How is your leg. Lindir said you were wounded." Elrond spoke gently.

"Uh..yeah. I was shot...but it was just a graze. I'll be fine." I smiled.

Elrond nodded.

I lightly picked at the food, honestly I'd kill for some meat too. But...what the hell was happening? Do I question any of this? Or should I accept this and possibly go on the epic adventure I've always dreamed of? No one ever gets a chance to be in the fictional world of their dreams. I should. Even if I am just in a coma in my world, I'll be having the time of my life. Who knows, maybe I'll even get romantic time with some of my crushes. After far every one looks like their movie version.

I let out a deep breath. "Well you all look exactly like in the movies."

"What is a movie? May I ask?" Bilbo asked from beside Balin.

" know...people that put on plays right?" A nod. "Well imagine that but...someone has created a device or...a magical box, if you will, that captures it and can later replay it at any time. And when I say capture I don't mean and actual capture. I mean you have memories. it sees the whole thing and then can replay it perfectly. Better than a memory even."

"Oh, that sounds amazing." Fili said, having been listening intently.

"It is!" I smile.

"Is the movie any good?" Kili jumps in, excitedly.

"Uh...well. It is my favorite. I've watched it like a million times."

"And this depicts us?" Thorin asked.


"So...does that mean you know.."

"Yes." I cut him off. "Which is why... I think I want to help you."

"I don't think that would be..."

"Trust me. You'll need me. I'm the one who knows what happens." I said, raising my brow and smiling.

"I think it would be quite wise if you joined the company." Gandalf said with a smile.

"It's settled then." I smiled.

"Andriel.." Elrond began.

"Andria, works just fine." I said.

"Andria, if you want to know more about being a Traveler talk to me after dinner."

I nodded and then began to actually eat. I'd need the energy...

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