Chapter 1

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Working a night shift at a rooftop bar wasn't easy as a woman. I constantly work out and take defense classes in case something happens. And it looked like tonight was one of those nights. Why couldn't I just be home watching movies?

"Sir, last call was an hour ago. And considering you've been harassing me all night you have to leave now." I said while wiping down the table next to him.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He said quietly.

"Excuse me?" I said going to turn to face him.

When I turned I was met with a gun in my face. I could feel my heart begin to race as I tried to replay my training in my head. It wasn't the same feeling in real life, I couldn't help but feel fear. But I refused to show it as I lifted my hands.

"I want all your tips...and the key to the register..." The man said with a growl.

"Okay... just let me reach into my pocket here...and I'll get that for you.." I said slowly reaching into my pocket. I knew what I had to do and how to do it, but my hands still shook anxiously as my hand wrapped around the bad of cash in my pocket.

"That's it...slowly..." He said, his confidence growing.

I took a deep breath before quickly tossing the money in his face and pulling the gun to the side. the gun went of and a felt a sting at the side of my leg. I ignored it and went to punch him, but he blocked and grabbed me by the throat, trying to throw me. The problem was that neither of us would let go of the gun, so we continued our struggle.

There was another shot before I could slam his wrist on the ground, finally making him let go of the gun.

"Damn it!" he shouted before grabbing a hold of me.

I glanced around. The gun had slid over to the left, towards the edge of the building. There was a short glass wall there to keep guests from falling off but the second shot had shattered one of the panels. I needed the gun but if anything I could just toss him off the building.

I ripped myself from his grasp before running over to the gun. But the man grabbed my arm from behind. I was just brushing him off when he pushed me.  I smirked internally thinking "thanks for getting me closer to the gun loser" but felt my heart drop quickly as his face got further away and my body didn't stop falling.

I turned in my fall and saw the sidewalk quickly approaching. I closed my eyes, I could hear myself scream, feel my blood pump with fear. I would die.

Wait...I'm still falling...

I quickly opened my eyes just I splashed into a body of water. I quickly swam up and noticed a dock just in front of me. Where the hell was I? I struggled to pull myself up as soaking wet clothes weighed me down, but arms grabbed a hold of me and pulled me up.

I clung to the arms that helped me as I tried to steady my breathing, though I looked up in surprise as he said something in a strange yet familiar language.

This man was looking me dead in the eyes with a look of concern and question on his face.

"What?" I said looking him up and down. Then pausing. I looked him up and down again.

This man had long dark hair with half pulled back to reveal pointed ears. He wore a long set of robes that looked like they were straight out of The Lord of The Rings.

"Oh, you're human. I said are you alright?" He spoke again.

I honestly couldn't think of anything to say. Did I fall into some sort of LARPing thing? I looked around, no because I fell from a roof ocean? Next to...Where was I? Did I die? Because this whole place looks strangely like Rivendell.

"Miss, My name is Lindir. What is yours?" The elf spoke again, grabbing my attention.

"Andriel. Everyone just calls me Andria." I managed to say. "uh..Am I dead?"

"Well..if you were dead you certainly wouldn't be standing here with me." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Lindir!" Came a deep voice. "What is going on? Is everything alright? The dwarves are already getting to dinner.

"Yes sir. Its just...well this woman fell into the water..unbelievably from the sky, sir." Lindir said.

I looked over at the other elf to find myself jaw droppingly shocked. Lord Elrond was standing right there. Right before my eyes!

Lord Elrond smiled, "Another traveler? Its been awhile since the last one dropped in. Come, we'll get you cleaned up and fed. Then we'll talk. Lindir." He said.

Lindir nodded and lead me away.

I had way to many questions. But for now..I was just going to go with this strange coma dream and hope a woke up soon in a hospital bed surrounded by flowers, balloons and friends.

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