The end

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I fell a short ways to solid ground. I had my eyes closed, scared to look up. I could hear sobbing being me.

"Andriel.." Thranduil's pained husky voice sobbed.

I quickly turned around and saw Thranduil leaning against the same stairs I had left him at, sobbing. I jumped over to him, hugging him tightly.

"I'm here!" I said, tears rolling down my face. "I'm here!"

Thranduil held me tightly, breathing heavily. "Andriel?! Oh! I thought I had lost you."

"You didn't....I'm still here! I promised never to leave you! I'll be damned if I ever break that promise." I said looking into his eyes.

It was like a only few moments had passed. And to see the relief on Thranduil's face felt so good. I smiled brightly and kissed him hard as the sun began to brighten the hill and the eagles flew over head.

"Hey! You too love birds the kiss the entire battle?" I looked up the see Thorin.

"Your alive!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, everyone is fine. The orcs are retreating. Azog is dead." Thorin said with a shrug.

Bilbo walked up behind him, an accomplished smile on his face.

"Thorin..." I said standing to begin apologizing.

"There's no need. You were right." Thorin smiled. "As usual."

I smiled, my heart full of joy. Even Thranduil looked at Thorin with a friendly gaze.

After getting back to the battle field we tended to the wounded, buried the dead and celebrated life when it was done. Thorin gave what he promised and worked out a strong trade arrangement with Thranduil so that he could get his gems of starlight. The people of lake town rebuilt the city of Dale, Kili and Tauriel got married. Bilbo still went home but made a trip every few years to see Thorin. And for a while everything was good in the world. Happy.

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