Chapter 17

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I spent a few hours searching as the sun went down quickly, and came up with nothing. I had found a few pigs, but no athelas. I groaned to myself before a deep rumble like thunder came from the mountain. The sound made the anxiety already in my stomach rise, making me turn and run back to Bards house.

The house was just in sight, the door open. But it was calm, so calm I slowed. Too hesitant to go any further.

I had just seen Tauriel in the window, filling me with relief as she seems to smile, when a growl came at me from the side. Something had hurdled into me, tossing me into a pillar. I looked up from the ground just in time to roll away as Balg slammed his weapon down.

"You.."Balg growled, lifting his weapon. "You shot me.."

I got up, grabbing my sword and backing away. "Hold a grudge much? Especially now that you've failed to stop Thorin?" I smirked.

Balg growled before coming at me again. I jumped back, away from his swing. I swung back, mostly to try and keep him away but he kept coming at me. And I kept backing away towards the water. He was about to swing again when an arrow dinged against his armor. I quickly rushed off to the side as he turned.

Legolas came walking out of the shadows shooting another arrow that bounced off. I would have run off but the orcs were determined. Two had blocked me off, keeping me a little too close to Balg for comfort. I didn't to hesitate to slash at them. One fell but I didn't have time to notice where I had hit him before the other one came at me. I jumped back and could feel a sting at my arm.

I growled and slashed before kicking him into the water. I turned to find Balg walking away and Legolas chasing him. I guess he doesn't hold too much of a grudge, I thought before running up to the house. A deep rumble in the air seemed to follow me.

"Fili, Bofur...everyone. We have to go!" I said busting through the door.

"What about da?" Bane asked.

"We will get that soon! I promise! Now let's go!" I urged.

We rushed out as a shadowy figure flew over the town, heat beginning to radiate from the north side.  We bumped several boats as the town began to light up like one giant wick. Meanwhile I waited for the moment, to see Bard. I figured I would take his sons place in retrieving the arrow.  But just as the children started calling out we bumped into another boat, nearly tipping us. When I looked back Bane had already gone.

"Bane!" The young girl screamed.

"He'll be fine..." I reassured.

"Will he?" Fili asked, more sincere.

"Yes. I promise. And so will we as long as we keep going."

Kili had still been in a daze, I think because I had pushed to move them a bit sooner. But he was finally looking around.

"Andria...your arm." Kili said.

"It's fine. We're all fine." I said. I had noticed the pain but there was nothing for me to do right now. There was a cut at my fore arm that I know needed binding, I also knew I'd make it to shore.

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