Chapter 23

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The battle raged. It was like nothing movies could ever show. So much was happening that I couldn't keep track of anything.before I even knew where we were going the elves busted they're way through a group of orcs and we had left the dwarves behind as we made our way into Dale.

"What are we doing?"  I said.

"Getting you out of here..." Thranduil said taking down an orc.

"I'm not leaving!" I said as Thranduil stopped next to a horse.

Thranduil hopped down before pulling me down and the pushing me onto the horse. "Yes you are!" He growled as a guard hopped on behind each. "Get her back to the kingdom!" He commanded.

"Thranduil no. I need to be here!" I argued.

I was about to hop down but then Thranduil kissed me. His warm lips tangled with mine, quickly taking any coherent thought from my mind. When he pulled away the horse kicked off, sending us riding away.

Once we were out of vie of Thranduil I spoke. "I'm guessing I can't tell you anything that could turn you around?"

"No." The guard simply said as we reached an open area. But his his replay was quickly followed by a pained grunt before he slid off the side of the horse.

I quickly grabbed the reins of the horse and turned him just in time to miss an arrow. I tried to get the horse to go but it just reared back. I cried out as I fell off the back, the horse running back towards Thranduil. I scrambled away, not sure where the arrows came from.

Hiding behind a pillar I glanced out, seeing Balg off in the distance making a face of frustration before being force to focus on a group of dwarves.  I let out a breath before noticing an oncoming group of orcs. I stabbed into one before running away. I quickly climbed a half crumbled before grabbing my bow and shooting a few more down. As more took their place they kept up the chase.

I kept turning to shoot them, even shooting some coming in front of me. But I quickly ran out of arrows and switched back to the sword, ducking as an orc swung at me before swung back. He fell off the wall but another took his place. The adrenaline rushing through my body kept me going. Just as downed the last one I heard my name come from below.

"Andriel!" Thranduil called.

I looked down to see Thranduil looking up at me, worry and anger on his face.

"I'm sorry...we were attacked...I couldn't leave!"

"Get somewhere safe! Now!" Thranduil said.

"Nowhere is safe!" I urged. "Thranduil..."

I smiled down at him as he watched me from bellow. I could see the worry in his gaze.

"Im mel cin, Thranduil." I said, watching a loving smile grow on his face.

"Im mel cin too, Andriel." Thranduil replied.

"Now it's time to cut the head off the snake." I said.

"Andriel! No! Wait!" Thranduil called out, but I was too late.

I turned and ran along the wall to find a better view of Erebor. After everything  Thranduil and I did together, that was the first time we said "I love you". My heart ached with anxiety. I worried for Thranduil, but I also worried for Thorin. I could only hope I could get up to Raven Hill before Azog's second army arrived. Unless Balg led it here, in which case I would need to get up there ASAP to help Thorin. But now I was worried about myself.

I needed this war to be over so I could get back to Thranduil in one piece. I wanted to show him just how much I loved him. It was literally love at first sight, though I'm not sure I had much control of it. 

I slowed as I saw the wall of Erebor had already been torn down and I could just see Thorin and the others riding goats up the hill. I had to hop down from the wall and get out of the town to even begin the trek up the hill, which was made ten times harder as fought through a group of orcs. I definitely didn't get through without collecting a few bruises.

When I finally made it up there I realized how lost I was. A thick fog laid over everything.

"Thorin!" I yelled, but heard nothing but the clashing of metal. "Kili! Fili!" Still nothing.

I ended up just running towards the sounds till I found Dwalin. He was fighting against a group orcs. I didn't hesitate to jump in. Once the orcs were dead Dwalin turned to me.

"I'm sorry..." I started.

"You were right to it. You needn't apologize. I'm just glad you're alright." Dwalin said.

I smiled. "Where's Thorin? Please tell me he's not alone."

"Bilbo's with him."

"And Fili and Kili?" I asked.

"Both of them are with Tauriel. They're supposed to be with Thorin but I can really know for sure."

I let out a breath of relief, "As long as no one is alone..." 

"Andriel!" Thranduil's voice echoed through the air.

I looked around before looking to Dwalin.

"Go, girly. I'll be fine." Dwalin said with a nod and a smile.

I ran towards the sound of my name. "Thranduil!" I called out.

I don't recall which direction I took but the next time I heard my name I could have swore it was behind me, the echo seemed to be throwing me off. I was far from Dwalin or anybody it seemed at this point.

I was about to call out again when there was a roar and something slammed into my back hard, throwing me to the ground. My cry echoed through the hills. I turned to find Balg about to slam his mace down on me, and I was barely quick enough to roll out of the way. I scrambled to grab my sword but I realized it had slid off the side of the cliff. That was when I realized there even was a cliff.

I didn't like this, not one bit. It reminded me way too much of Kili's death scene. I grabbed the knife I had on me dove to the side, avoiding another swing.

"Andriel!" Thranduil's voice echoed more desperately.

I slid to the side as Balg came at me to try and stab between his armor, but he swung sideways and slammed his mace into my ribs. I felt at least one crack, making me cry out as I hit the ground again. The pain was intense so intense I could barely breath much less move as Balg stepped towards me, a twisted smile on his face.

In a blink Thranduil jumped down from above me, cutting Balg off from me. Thranduil's swords clashed hard against Balgs seemingly impenetrable armor.

I tried looking around for anything that might be useful but every time I tried to move there was a shocked of pain. This was becoming even more familiar as Balgs strength seemed to be wining against Thranduil.

"No." I growled to myself. "Get up.."

I pushed myself from the ground, sucking in a sharp breath. Thranduil got tossed against some stairs and was now in a battle of wills against Balg. Balg had him pinned, trying to stab Thranduil with the pointed end of his mace. I ran up him using all my force to pull him of Thranduil and stab into his throat with my knife.

The problem was, I pulled back a little too hard. Stepping back...there was nothing but air beneath me.

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